Day 7

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Prince Sidon- guys guys here me out
Link- ?
Riju- What is it?
Tulin- expect something dumb
Yunobo- I bet he's gonna say something like...
Tulin- "my teeth are so shiny like beat that guys"
Yunobo- Precisely
Riju- Just say it, Sidon
Link- the thing is, Sidon't teeth ARE rly shiny, so actually that's the truth
Prince Sidon- tysm hun
Link- annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnytime, my love
Tulin- you guys are so cringy like what is this relationship...
Link- it's good tho
Prince Sidon- ANNNNNYWAY what I was trying to say was don't you agree that Zora's Domain is the best village/town/city/domainnnn?
Tulin- yeah... idk about that
Riju- It's pretty... but like, it's too... cold... and wet... and blue...
Prince Sidon- bruh that's exactly why it's good! And like your little town is any better *sage rivalry*
Tulin- but has anyone mentioned how good myyyyyy village is?
Link- tbh he's got a point
Link- just makin' a point...
Tulin- logic? That's exactly what it is
Riju- Voe fighting is so pathetic...
Yunobo- How about Goron City? That's what we're missing here
Riju- Oh, yeah... I mean, it has its ups and downs...
Prince Sidon- get a grip! There was seriously illegal dru--
Yunobo- HEY! Don't dis muh town, goro
Riju- One of the pros of it is its heat
Yunobo- Gee, thanks for something positive *hummmph noise towards the others (Sidon)*
Prince Sidon- the heat???
Tulin- da heat???
Link- are we talking about Sidon?
Riju- *Confused* Yeah, the heat
Yunobo- Not of Sidon, tho *annoyed that his one compliment was ruined*
Riju- Calm down, Link *ugh noise*
Tulin- the heat... now that's one thing I hate
Yunobo- If yOu dOn't hAvE SoMeThInG nOiCe To sAy tHeN KeEeeEeeEp YoUr MouTh ShUt!
Tulin- god bro
Yunobo- *Fuming*
Tulin- oh, sorry, was that not nice enough for you?
Riju- Guys, seriously...
Link- what is up with these bros like man
Prince Sidon- hey, why'd you all ruin my time bragging about Zora's Domain???
Riju- You don't always get the time to shine... seriously... *tsk tsk noises*
Tulin- neither do you, Yunobo...
Yunobo- You know what, I'm getting bored of arguing...
Riju- Duh
Yunobo- let's change the subject.
Tulin- where was that plot twist comin from
Link- yo, let's talk bout video games!! *girly 'eek' noise*
Prince Sidon- anything for you, my Linkyyyyy...
Yunobo- 'Kay. Oh, that reminds me... I got this sick video game on my Nintendo Switch the other day...
Link- ooh, what is it?!
Yunobo- It's called Goat Simulator
Link- ooh the title sounds intriguing
Yunobo- ...And it is!
Tulin- omg omg omg tell us more
Yunobo- So, basically you start out as being a goat, and then--
Riju- A goat simulation? What is happening to video games these days...
Tulin- they're getting better, that's what *grumble noise*
Link- a lot better--
Tulin- --and this one sounds good--
Yunobo- --So let me continue!
Link- yes sir *attempt at his boyfriend's toothy grin style*
Yunobo- ...So anyway not only can you be a goat but you can also be a ghost but they spell is like 'goast' because it's spelt more like goat. Other characters you can be are a flamingo, a camel, a dolphin in a wheelchair...
Link- *gets out popcorn*
Yunobo- ...And another lot that I haven't unlocked yet, but anyway, there are a whole bunch of worlds and cities you can go into and in one of them there is a burger shop where you can make burgers and feed them to the NPCs, and that makes them fatter and it's hilarious... *'remembering good times' chuckle* and to make the burgers you have to put any item into the burger-making machine (at first I used trash cans) and then burgers come out--
Riju- *leaves chat in plain boredom*
Tulin and Link- she's just got a short attention span...
Yunobo- To be honest, imma too tired to tell you more right now... looks like I also do. Bye goro, bird goro and prince goro *leaves chat, mainly because he was desperate for his usual afternoon bowl of fruit loop cereal and coke*
Prince Sidon- I actually go by 'the magnificent sir prince goro the great' for your information
Tulin- *shocked by the departing of Yunobo*
Link- but-but-but-but-but-but-but-but where'd he go? *dramatic noises, whatever they would be*
Tulin- long gone, by the sounds of it...
Link- pahhhhh, now this place is useless. Imma leave...
Prince Sidon- hey, im here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tulin- gotcha, Link. Same here-- *leaves chat without noticing what Sidon just said*
Link- *leaves chat*
Prince Sidon- hey! Hey! Hey! Link, are we still going to McDonalds for dinner tonight??? Linky??????? Awww man... *leaves chat miserably*

Dolphin on a wheelchair- Wassup my guyz
Goat- Sick wheelchair, man
Flamingo- Yeah dude
Dolphin on a wheelchair- Thanks, my guy
The end :>

A/N- By the way, Goat Simulator is a real game. You need to get it on the Switch, it's hilarious... also I'm sorry for not updating my books for a while, I've been busy and I hope you'll accept that... anyway, bye y'all! Also, pm me and give me ideas for my books! Comment what you want these characters to argue about next, too...

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