Chapter 1

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It was the summer of 2019 and the NHL off session. The Hughes and Cooper families were spending the summer at the Michigan lake house as they had for the last 3 years.

The 'tradition' as the families called it started in 2016 when the oldest kids of each family Quinn and Mila started dating.

The Hughes and Cooper siblings were out on the boat on a sunny day. Lying on the front of the boat Mila was reading a book as her little sister Lottie plated her hair while the boys Quinn, Jack, Luke, and Milas's brother Sam took turns on the wakeboard.

The two girls were having a peaceful time in the sun when Mila felt water landing on her back looking up she saw her boyfriend standing by her. "UH Quinn your dripping cold water on my back" she squealed trying to push her boyfriend away.

"It's not that cold once you get into the water, Have a turn on the wakeboard you'll see," Quinn said laughing at his girlfriend. "I am not going on the board last year it wasn't fun," Mila said shaking her head.

When the boys convinced Mila to go on the wakeboard Jack quickly shot up saying "I call driving." Mila quickly cut that idea of only agreeing to go on the wakeboard if Quinn drove.

That was the first full day of their summer but for the last couple of weeks Mila had been getting dizzy and feeling sick it wasn't every day she would feel fine one day and horrible the next.

The boys were out on the boat with the dads Jim and Hamish while the moms Ellen and Gemma took Macy shopping. Both the boys and the girls had asked if Mila wanted to go with them but she told them she wasn't feeling well today and stayed home.

"Do you think you could be pregnant?" Sarah Milas's best friend said over the phone. "No I'm not pregnant I can't be" Mila shook her head. "I mean maybe just take a test in case it never hurts to be safe" Sarah shrugged.

Mila listened to her friend and went a got some tests when the test came back positive Mila just started down at the piece of plastic. Yes, Mila wanted kids but not when she was this young she was only 19 and Quinn was turning 20 this year.

Mila had no emotion when she looked at the stick. Yes, most people would cry happy tears or be extremely scared. Mila on the other hand didn't know how to feel or how Quinn would react or their family's.

Mila made her way downstairs turning the TV on to distract herself. It was about half an hour before the boys came home when they walked inside the 3 younger boys gave Mila a wave saying hi well Quinn came over and kissed her.

"Um Quinn I have to tell you something," the girl said quietly so no one but Quinn could hear her. "Ok yeah sure up upstairs?" Quinn asked as Mila nodded.

When they got the couple sat on the bed as Mila tried to figure out how to tell Quinn. "Um so uh" the girl started looking down at her hands. Mila had no idea how to tell Quinn so she just passed Quinn the test she put under her pillow.

Quinn looked down at the tests but Mila couldn't read the look in his eyes, he didn't say anything for a couple of minutes and Mila started to get worried. "Quinn?"

"You're pregnant?" Quinn whispered "That's what the test says" Mila whispered still not looking at Quinn. "I didn't mean for this to happen I'm sorry Q I -" Mila got cut off by the door opening and her almost 12-year-old sister came in with a big smile on her face.

Macy looked at her sister and then at Quinn a couple of times. "What's wrong?" Lottie asked her head to the side like a puppy. "Nothing Lot don't worry" Quinn answered. "Milas crying something's wrong" the younger girl she wasn't dumb.

"Lottie if I tell you promise you'll keep it a secret," Mila asked. "I promise," Lottie said holding out her pinky as Mila locked their Pinky's.

"I'm pregnant," Mila said looking at her sister. "Really?" Lottie asked as Mila and Quinn nodded. "I'm going to be an auntie" Lottie squealed excitedly. "Mace comes down I just found out I don't even know what's going to happen," Mila said as her sister sat next to her.

The following weekend, the Hughes and Cooper families gathered for their traditional family Barbecue. The air was filled with the scent of meat, and the sounds of laughter around the patio and backyard.

Quinn and Mila exchanged nervous glances as they sat among their siblings and parents. The weight of the pregnancy lingered between them, waiting to be shared with their families.

As the families enjoyed their meal Ellen noticed the unusual tension. "Is everything okay, you two?" she asked, concern in her voice.

Quinn cleared his throat, exchanging a glance with Mila. "There's something we need to tell everyone" he began both families falling silent and looking at the couple.

Mila took a deep breath her eyes scanning the faces of their family members. "Um so we found out that I'm pregnant" she confessed her eyes fixed on her plate.

A moment of silence followed Mila's confusion broken by Sam. "Wait, seriously?" he blurted out eyes wide with surprise.

Quinn nodded "Yeah we're just trying to figure it out."

Hamish cleared his throat with a reassuring smile, "We'll support you both through this don't worry."

The tension in the room began to ease, and Mila's anxiety started to fade away to relief Gemma reached across the table to squeeze Mila's hand. "Sweetheart, we're here for you no matter what You're not alone."

The families went back to talking like everything was normal which made Mila feel more comfortable with the whole baby idea. Both families were talking when Jack leaned over to whisper "You're the one who told me to make sure I have condones to stay safe."

Both Mila and Quinn looked over at the younger boy who had a smirk on his face. "Shut up Jack we did," Quinn said lightly pushing his brother.

First chapter 🙈

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