Day 1: A Weird Place

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>>>>>>KreekCraft's pov<<<<<<

I was just minding my own business like talking to my friends, annoy them😈, and basically my daily basis

Though, one night, i felt thirsty so i looked for my water in my dark room and realised

Kreek: Oh crap i forgot my water downstairs!

So then, i went downstairs to get some water but the thing is, it's very quiet, too quiet, i usually hear something, but it's awfully quiet

But i didn't mind it until...


Next thing i knew, i was unconscious.

(Still kreek's pov)

I woke up in a room, looks like th room was made for me, but why?, my questions wasn't answered, i decided to exit the room

Kreek: Lemme just uhh... Oh, it ain't locked, huh strange

I went outside and, I'M INSIDE A HOUSE!? my face was pale from shock


What the? A karen? Here?

Kreek: Huh

???: Heeh.. heeh... Excuse me sir I'm Ichika, nice to meet you, but do you know where we are?

Kreek: Uh, no sorry, I woke up here aswell

Ichika: Oh, ok, so... What now?

Kreek: I guess we just look around

???: YO! KREEK!!

Kreek: Huh? Oh god please no NOOO-

The figure approched us was....

Tanqr:Sup people, how are yall today?

Ichika: I feel fine thank you, also I'm Ichika, just call me Ichi

Tanqr: Well it's nice knowing ya

Kreek: Eurgh....

Kreek looks over to the distance and sees a yellow person

Kreek: Oh, i might aswell see yall later

Tanqr and Ichika: Huh??


Ichika: Well it was nice enough for them to give us rooms, right?

Saki: Yep! Also I woke up in the same room with tsukasa what about you Ena?

Ena: Akito was under my bed

Ichika: Oh..!

Well uhhh not bad for a first chapter right? RIGHT!? ok sorry

Word count i guess: 313

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