
180 3 0

Contains homophobic slur


Kayden Merikh

I cracked my neck and stood up.

"My eyes feel like the Sahara desert." Jake said while rubbing his face. Both of us exhausted and annoyed as fuck.

How the fuck are we not able find the motherfucker?

I walked out of Jake's office and went straight towards the liquor cabinet.

"Bring me a glass as well." He yelled, knowing I left to have a drink. 

I picked a random bottle, too infuriated to read the name.

As long as it makes my head light enough to not make me think about it alot, I don't give a fuck what it is.

I took a swig from the bottle.


I walked back with the bottle and a glass.

"Bring the entire bottle. A glass won't fucking suffice." He yelled again when I entered the room.

I placed the bottle and glass in front of him and sinked in my chair. 

"You know me so well." Jake said with a smirk when he saw I brought the bottle before he asked me to.

"Even I knew a glass won't suffice." I said as I poured a glass for him.

"Alright, so we looked through every fucking thing possible since the past two months. And have absolutely no fucking lead. No fucking lead at all." Jake said and downed the drink in a gulp.

Both of us were frustrated. But I guess Jake was more frustrated than me because it was his speciality to dig around and find out about things.

Him not being able to track down the motherfucker pissed him the fuck off. 

I took another swig straight from the bottle, relishing the feeling of it burning my throat. I wasn't any less annoyed than Jake. I came up with the fucking plan to begin with. 

We are searching for the motherfucker for the past two months. Sitting in front of numerous computers and making calls for hours.

All while making sure all the drug deals and import export went smoothly. It's turned into a fucking pain in the ass.

It was more difficult because it was just me and Jake. We didn't involve anyone else to prevent the word getting out and make the motherfucker hide in a hole deeper than the one he is already in.

A nerve started throbbing in my temple. 

"Ricco called. Asked me to meet him today because he wants to talk to me. Now I've to fly to fucking Vegas to look at his ugly face."

"I've a bad feeling." Jake said as he rubbed his jaw.

"Me too. We're taking too long." I said, running a hand through my hair in annoyance. 

Jake poured himself another glass, "Maybe it's for something else."

"That's worse." I rubbed my temple to soothe the throbbing pulse.

Because then I don't know what I'm walking into.

The motherfucker might not even be in the country for all we know.

Jake's phone vibrated, indicating a text. He grabbed it from the table. The frown between his brows relaxed a little as he saw whatever was displaying on the screen.

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