Chapter 3: A Strange Familiar Place

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Everyone: *grunts* Ugh...

SMG4: Ugh... my ass...

Meggy: Wait... where are we, now?!

SMG4: It looks like some sort of Cave

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SMG4: It looks like some sort of Cave.

Luigi: Wow... the lights look so pretty!

SMG3: *panting* 

SMG4: What's up with you?

SMG3: T- The ships... the ships are out to get me!!!


Luigi: Are we dead?!

Mario: I dunno, let's check.



Mario: No, we're not.

SMG3: You idiot!!!

Meggy: Any sign of the Notebook?

SMG4: I doubt there is... 

SMG3: When I get my hands of that Polish Bin... I'm gonna throw that Bin into a giant Incinerator!!!

Mario: You sound like a Nazi.


Meggy: Let's try to find a way to get out of here.

Luigi: Please hurry.

Mario: Stop being a Baby, Luigi!


Mario: Guys, look

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Mario: Guys, look... when there's an Escalator, it leads to an Exit!!!

Meggy: Nice one, honey!

SMG4: Let's get out of here!

The gang rushed to the Escalator.

SMG3: Hmm... it's a bit of a quiet Escalator.

Meggy: I wonder why there's so many giant Toys, down here.

SMG4 Halloween 2023: Spagheteria Freddy'egoWhere stories live. Discover now