F I N D I N G O U T 🫢

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this is when everyone find out there soulmates and finney panics cause he has 5.

"FINNEY WAKE UP!!" i heard my sister yell i could immediately tell ot was just us at home and my father was probably at work and sat up and shouted back "YES GWEN IM UP". I immediately got up and went to go shower when i looked down at my arm and saw five initials wait FIVE? omg this can't be happening i have five soulmates no no no.I quickly had a shower and put a hoodie on and just some random black cargos,the initials on my read 'R.A,,V.H,,B.Y,,B.S,,G.S' and i know every single one of them.R.A is robin arellano how do i know? hes the only one in our school with them initials same as everyone of them initials V.H is vance hopper WAIT vance hopper is MY well OUR soulmate? holy shit..anyway B.Y is bruce yamada B.S is billy showalter and lastly is G.S griffin stagg.

"FINNEY HURRY TF UP!" i heard gwen shout "OH SHIT YEAH IM COMING NOW" i ran downstairs with my bag on my back and looked at gwen as she gir her bag and walked towards the door "took you long enough" she said "jeez sorry" i replied back a hint of sarcasm in my voice.We was just walking and laughing abour god knows what when i saw in the corner of my eye the one and only vance hopper and he looked at me and just stared as i hurried along "slow down finn!" gwen said following behind me "sorry" i replied back.
Gwen turned around to see donna coming over and she squealed in my ear "CAN YOU BE ANY LOUDER?" i shouted at her as she giggled and ran to hug donna "hey dons" i said and she looked at me and smiled "hey finn!" i smiled at her and said "sorry guys u gotta go" and i quickly dashed off waving goodbye.

I made it to class but the one thing i forgot is billy sits a seat away from me so when he walked in the classroom and sat down i looked at him and put my head down on the table that's when i heard him move to the seat next to me.I looked up and at him when he looked back down at me and i quickly hid my face again getting all flustered for no goddamn reason.That was until around 10 minutes later a i felt a little tap on my shoulder i sighed and looked up he's actually kinda cute..wait no what am i thinking! "hey finney right?" ofc he almost forgot my name.. "yeah!" i said smiling "i wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me and my partners at lunch?" i looked at him "sure" i said and smiled going back to put my head down on the table 'they must be already dating..great i'll be the fucking third wheele' i thought.

I was lost in thoughts until i heard the teacher shout my name and i quickly sat up "can you answer this question" i looked at the question 'fuck i dont know' i shook my head not really wanting to speak and put my head back down as the teacher kept giving my a lecture.Finally the bell went and i got my stuff and walked out with my head down that was until i bumped into someone "shit im so sorry.." i mumbled before i saw a hand in my face i took it and helped myself help i looked up at the person 'just my luck..' i thought as i saw it was bruce yamada and vance hopper "its all good!" bruce chirped up and smiled at me and i smiled back 'his smile is quite cute' i thought that was until vance said "oi dickface why is your face all red" 'oh shit..' i looked at him and looked back down "no reason im all good.." i replied back and again looked up at him 'hes tall..' and he had this look on his face as if he didn't believe me "you sure your okay?" bruce asked politely i nodded letting out a little "mhm" and he smiled again and i smiled back sighing "well i better get going bye.." i said quietly but they heard me, i hope, and i quickly walked away.

I walked into second period and i was sat in the back corner zoned out when i felt a small tap on my shoulder i looked to the side and saw griffin stagg "uhm hi..is this seat free" he asked ever so politely "yeah!" i replied back smiling as he sat down "im griffin" he said "im finney" he smiled at me and we was just talking he was telling me about some bullies about his home life and stuff like that i just nodded and listen carefully "me and you are more similar then i thought" "really?!" griffin said he sounded quite excited and i couldn't help but laugh a little "yeah" our conversation was cut off by the teacher and we both sat up and looked at her.The class seemed like it was going on forever! i got my stuff waved by the girffin and went to my other classes which was a breeze.

At the end of 4th period i walked out and as i was walking towards to cafeteria i saw billy walking up to me "hey finn!" he smiled happily "oh uhm hey billy" i replied back smiling a bit "you still up to hang with me and my partners" i nodded 'the only one i haven't seen yet is robin but he's in my last period' billy started walking off me slowly walking behind.We made it to the table they was all siting there 'shit' i started to get nervous and im sure it was obvious. "hey guys! i invited finn to sit with us thats okay right?" billy said and they all agreed billy sat down me sitting beside him.'why am i so nervous?' i thought to myself as my leg stafted bouncing and my hands was shaking slightly 'no no no not now cmon' my name being said snapped me back into reality i looked up to see robin looking at me worriedly "finn you okay?" he said 'guess who noticed'  i nodded smiling slightly at him i saw billy look at me i guess he noticed i was picking at the skin around my finger nails. "Finn" he whispered to me i looked up at him "here" i looked down to see his hand? i looked at him confused until he started to kinda fiddle/play with his fingers i was still confused until he said "do what i was doing to my hand" i looked down and slowly took his hand starting to fiddle/play with his rings/fingers which surprisingly calmed me i guess he's done this with someone here before im assuming griffin he seems a lot like me.

We was just all talking well they was i was just talking every here and there mainly messing with billy's fingers and rings that was until the bell went everyone got there things and walked out robin stopped me tho
"finn! wanna walk to maths with me?" i smiled and nodded as we walked to maths.We was just talking about anything really we both went and sat in our seast robin sitting beside me.We really just talked and joked about rhe whole lesson until the bell went 'that lesson went rather fast' i said before robin snapped me out of my thoughts "finn! whats your number so i can add you to a groupchat!" he said "oh its ************" i replied smilling "i better get going now bye robin!" "bye finn"

OKAY that took forever😭im so sorry its so long and shit but idk anyway like i said im not good at writing spellinf or even adding punctuation and i also have a fractured finger so if theres spelking mistakes on small words that'll be why! anyway i hope you enjoyed the forst part the second part will be soon!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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