TWO ┈➤ one in four

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act one. fuel the flames
two ┈➤ one in four

"the game was rigged, the ref got tricked
the wrong ones think they're right"


There was no stopping it. The day of the reaping came as it always did. But this was different, because Venus knew exactly how this day would end for her. No matter what name Decimus called out, she'd be boarding that train as a tribute, not a mentor.

She'd awoken hours early that morning. She tended to wake up early on the day of the reaping anyway, be it from nightmares or the knowledge that she had to be ready to be gone in a few hours. This time, however, her early rising was for a different reason. For a cause it hadn't supported for a few years now.

When she was twelve, she'd begun a tradition, one that continued on for the next eight years. She woke up early on the morning of the reaping and brought Fern and Edison out for a little while before the reaping, just some time for them to ignore the rest, so if she was reaped, they'd have one final good memory with her.

Venus headed to Fern's room first, opening the door and padding across the floor. "Fern," she whispered softly, placing a hand on her sister's shoulder to shake her awake. "Come on, little bird, wake up."

Fern's eyes opened, blinking a few times, and she looked up at Venus. "What? Isn't it early?"

"Three years, and you've forgotten our tradition already? I'm hurt, Fern."

"We're going out?"

"It's Reaping Day. Now get dressed. I'm going to wake up Eddie." She left the room and crossed the hall, and opened the door. She tapped Edison on the shoulder as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Eddie. Wake up." He groaned and turned away. "Come on, Scout. We're going out."

He immediately awoke properly, turning back to her and pushing himself onto his elbows. "Are we?"



When they reached the clearing, Venus had sat down on the log, and Fern and Edison had wandered off to do their own things. Initially, they'd stood there with her, but she told them to have fun, just like they used to on these days. So Fern had found a tree to climb, and Edison had wandered off. He'd developed an interest in collecting rocks and sticks recently, so he was probably off scavenging for those.

Venus had remembered to grab the knife that was stashed away in a little nook in the log, just in case.

It wasn't that they weren't allowed to be out right now, because the district was awake, and some were heading to work. But if they were found without a valid excuse (as decided by the Peacekeeper), that meant consequences.

Venus closed her eyes, sighing. If she could ask for this for the rest of her life, she would. She'd take it easily. Simple, spending time in the woods with the ones she loved most. She'd add a few others to the image here and there, friends from elsewhere. Finnick and Johanna would be added immediately.

A twig snapped nearby, and Venus' eyes shot open, the knife held outwards immediately. Mercury was standing here, her arms raised to make it clear she wasn't a threat.

Venus sighed, lowering the knife. "I'm sorry."

Mercury shook her head, moving to sit next to her on the log. "No, it's okay. I get it." She picked under her fingernails. "I'm gonna kill Snow. I'll take on the entire Capitol if it means this stops. They can't keep hurting you."

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