Chapter 2

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The lecture wasn't going anywhere. In fact, I felt super droopy to a point were I put my head down on my purple binder...I could barely hear my teacher speak since I had my hood over my head and I was so just drifting off..."Romeo and Juliet...Loved each...other..........William Shakes-" Is all I could make out....I felt like I leaving my body. I was half asleep half awake.

     I was the only student with my head down and I stood out like a sore thumb. "Pssst...Robin..ROBIN....ROOOOBBBBIIINNN...." Taylor whispered to me..."Excuse me for the 2nd time! Taylor what is going on here?!?!" Mr. Eichelburger grew furious...."Oh I um....I mean Robin...I wanted to say something to her.." "SHUT UP!" I hissed and sneered at him. I then put my head down. I honesty didn't want anything to do with this whole stupid situation. I was trying to sleep...but my friend was being a pest to me. "Robin WAKE UP! It's not nap time!" My teacher said. "Oh sorry.." I mumbled under my breath. "How late did you go to bed last night??" He asked me. "I don't know...10:00 PM?-" "NAAHHH! You were with us at that wild party until 1:30!" One of my classmates said. The one classmate I had somehow managed to pull himself together and push through. My 4 friends felt humiliated and self conscience. Everyone else was staring at me and Tanya, TJ, Taylor and Marvin...."So hold on just a second!!! You 5 were out together?! LAST NIGHT??? On a SCHOOLNIGHT???" Mr. Eichelberger thundered. Marvin decided to chime in..."Uh yeah...I kind of talked Robin into coming out with us....It was all my fault...." "And you 5 are the ones who left school early and missed your English exam just to be at this DAMN PARTY???!!!!"

     TJ raised his head. I literally thought he was out at first...He had a lugubrious look on his face. He cheeks turned crimson out of embarrassment and guilt..."YES.." He said under his breath...He wasn't going to try anything retarded. He knew that he was going to land in hot water with the principal...."I HAD IT! I'M DONE! YOU 5 ARE STAYING AFTER SCHOOL FOR DETENTION!!!" HE RAISED HIS VOICE.

"All 5 of you...come outside the class RIGHT NOW!" He instructed us. I nodded and I got up with my friends. We stood put in the hallway and we all stood against the lockers....

" the meaning of this silliness??? HMM? This is the 17th time this year that you all act like a bunch of childish fools in my class! AND I am pretty damn sick of it! I am sick of it all! I am trying to teach other students in my class and it is totally unfair to them when you all either put your heads down and I have to keep waking ya'll all are giggling and disrupting class, or sometimes one of you is trying to be the class clown! NOBODY IS CLOWNING AROUND IN MY CLASSROOM EVER AGAIN!!! I HAD MY CLASS INTRURUPPTED FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME!!!!" He yelled at us...."Starting tomorrow....I am really going to put my foot down and really nip it in the bud!!! I am exhausted! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!" He walked back into the classroom to get something...

     "What is he going to do?" I asked. "I don't know...maybe call our parents? Email them?" Marvin thought out loud. TJ was standing on my left side weeping a little bit..."I am such a horrible student.." He said..."Everyone...Let's not say a word before Mr. Eichelberger really blows a gasket. "He is already pissed...Let's not counting to-" Speak of the devil, he came out with lime green slips...DETENTION SLIPS THAT IS...

    "The bell is going to ring...You 5 are to go down to the main office..UNDERSTAND?"

    We nodded without hesitation.


The 5 of us were all sitting in the principal's office...Principal Gwen said to us......"Ya'll have really crossed the line! What is this? Why do all of you continue to think that ya'll are so sneaky?? It's a shame...There is an after school event happening today in the cafeteria but unfortunately one of our rules is that...In order to participate in this event, you can't get any detentions, referrals, suspensions or get into a heap of trouble with your teacher. A lot of students are going to be singing, dancing and guzzling down fruit punch and Sierra Mist!!! And ya'll maybe should start getting your crap together because the consequences are only going to escalate if this continues to be a cycle." We were all silent..."Exit left to the corner room..." She told us...

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