Chapter 11

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     I IMMEDIATELY STOPPED SHIVERING....I put Tanya's shirt around my neck and wrapped it around like a scarf...I immediately felt my body temperature come back to normal....The fire was toasty and felt very hot. Tanya sat with me and put her arm around my shoulder...."You need to rest up ok?" She told me. "I don't have any strength left Tanya..." I gasped..."Just keep calm. Your body is super tired and you are out of it...Try getting some rest...I mean like sleep...." She said. "I guess I can try....I do admit I have been through a heck of a lot. I feel like those times when me and you went out to the gym and did workouts together." I said in a quiet calm voice....."Just close your eyes and try to sleep..." She put her hand on my head....She pulled me in for a huge hug....I started to dose off a little bit.

     Tanya reached for her phone and turned off the ringer so it didn't accidentally wake me up. The fire burned bright....Maybe this could be used as a distress signal if we could...I was so fatigue that I couldn't even think....I started to snore a little bit. The fire was very warm and I felt super cozy.....

     Tanya started to dose off too.....She was so fatigue that her body just collapsed onto me and we were both on the ground. She was lying right on top of me....We were both half asleep and half awake. She was literally drooling on me without her realizing it...haha.."Oh sorry.." She murmured...."It's fine.." I said.

     We actually were able to fall asleep for about 46 minutes until Tanya's phone buzzed...Tanya sat up to look at who it was Taylor....She received an abundant of text messages and at least one missed call...Tanya could barely move her hand to her phone......"It's Taylor..." She moaned...."Pick it up..." I moaned back to her......I felt a little more energetic...but I didn't feel like going for a run though....Just enough to move around for a little bit and think clearly.....

     "Pick up...the phone...." I said almost snoring again....Tanya dialed the FaceTime button. She waited for at least 15 seconds until Taylor picked up and spoke to us...."What is up?" Tanya asked him. "Nothing much ladies...I fell asleep here and I think I am getting frost bite....Look..." He focused the camera on his left hand. His knuckles and his ring finger was bright purple....We could hear his teeth clattering together like crazy..."Just hang in there..." I instructed him..."I don't know what else to say-" "No no no...I am not so much concerned about that....I think the nameless killer is coming back into his office.........He wants somebody.....He isn't done yet....He said he was messing with some.....undead people...He said to the puppets that it was time for some sort of....Seance...He was talking to someone that was in the room but I didn't see this entity....Or is he just going insane?" "I took some pictures of some of the hell that we went through..." Tanya informed Taylor, sending him pictures of me on the dock.....via text. Taylor received the pictures..."What?! Huh? How can it be?? I do know...I mean we know that there is something deathly looking right at us...OR someone that is here...and we don't realize it...Not the unnamed psycho...but I feel as though that there is a figure of a man....that was just patting my shoulder....I saw some mist and he gave me a thumbs up.....I don't know if he is trying to communicate with me but....I don't even know how long I have even been here....Hasn't it been over 3 hours?" "Actually a little over 7 hours and counting..." I gulped...."Oh...I don't know if I can do this...Wait..Hold on.....The dude is coming back...The creepy masked guy is coming back-" "Taylor just stay on FaceTime and just pan the camera towards the window....We want to see everything that the nameless crazy haywire son of a gun is going to do next.....Just do not make a sound....Pretend that you are a ghost just like the invisible entities out here...." Tanya said....What is even more terrifying is that these things were invisible to the naked eye....And they are unpredictable....Like carbon monoxide, you can't see it or smell it...But you can feel something abnormal is happening to you if something feels wrong........The Killer walked into the closet and was adjusting the looked like he was making a quick fix....but why? They seemed to be in decent shape. We could see his face looking right at the camera. Taylor immediately hit mute on his side to cut out the sound coming from his phone.....Just in case we lost our minds....The sensation of terror and agony swept us.....Seeing this strangers profile up close...his long dark hair, his mask, his eyes looked bloodshot red...His smile with more caterpillars in between his teeth..........This guy definitely had a harsh reality check with the way he has been acting up......Taylor then texted Tanya....I watched her go to the texting chat and this was the exchange:

Taylor: He is looking right at me...He doesn't know it is me...😳
Tanya: Just be calm...If you flinch you are finished...💀💀
Taylor: He is smiling at me...
Tanya: I and Robin can see his bright and disgusting smile.
Taylor: I think I am going to piss myself...I am going to just hide my eyes so I don't have to look at this horrendous beast....he is not a human...He is a frickin animal......
Tanya: Just breathe..Hang in there....Just close your eyes and count to 100...


     100 seconds later, he opened his eyes and the killer was still there giving him a death stare...He still didn't know who he was looking at...The nameless crazy guy locked the door and some of the audio cut out....We couldn't hear what was going on...But we could see that the killer suddenly left....Tanya texted him to just continue to video chat her and only text her....There can't be one small sound or the unarmed pycho is going to hear him...He still kept us mute....

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