Because of Baekyeol

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"Damn it!" Kris shouted. They'd all been looking for the younger boys for at least five hours. "We've checked all of their homes and we went to all of their favorite spots where else could they be?"

"I don't know." Chen said. Soon after he started lifting up the present members shirts.

"What are you doing?" Kyungsoo said swatting away Chen's wandering hands.

"Yeah stop that!" Luhan shouted trying to avoid the younger boy.

"Well it's the only place that we haven't looked."

Xiumin let out a deep sigh. He was exhausted from looking and he was worried about the baby. They could barley trust those boys to take care of themselves let alone a precious little girl. He planted his butt on the curb and buried his head in his hands. The worry was radiating off of his body. Lay rested a hand on Xiumin's back rubbing it comfortingly.

"It's okay hyung. We're all worried."

"I know," he mumbled, "I don't know why I'm like this."

"Because you love her," Baekhyun said sitting on the opposite side of Xiumin. "We all do."

"We don't know if she's warm or if she's been changed or fed. we don't know if anyone's hurt or fans have attacked them. We all understand how scary and stressful this is," Suho said looking down at him.

"How did we all get like this? We've been with her less than a day but it's like she's taken the spot of number one priority. Why is that?" Luhan said sitting down as well.

Eventually everybody was planted to the curb consoling the boy next to them. Why had this little girl, who had no relation to a single one of them, become so important? Most weren't old enough to even consider being a father and they didn't want to give up the glamorous idol lifestyle either. So why were they so taken with her? They may never know the answer to that.

"Maybe we should just call them. One is bound to answer."

"Baekhyun they ran away from us why on earth would they accept our calls?" Chen looked at him incredulously.

"They took Chanyeol with them." He said rolling his eyes.

Baekhyun punched in the number and pressed the call button. The boy answered on the second ring.

"Baek! I'm not supposed to be talking to you." Chanyeol said in a hushed voice.


"You know why!"

"Just tell me where you are." Baekhyun said.

The other boys looked at Baekhyun anticipating his failure. Chanyeol could be dumb at times but he couldn't be that dumb.

"I can't do that. And I can't talk right now."

"Why not?" Baekhyun whined.

"Sehun, Tao, and Kai are gonna come back any minute. They'll kill me if they hear me talking to you."

"But Yeolie! I miss you." he said trying to be cute.

"What are you doing!? Don't speak like that! Do you know how incredibly cute that is?"

"Yeolie? Baby? Please tell me where you're at. I miss you and I wanna see you." Baekhyun continued to use Chanyeol's weakness against him. "Come on I won't tell anybody."

Chanyeol's side went silent for a long time. Baekhyun almost thought the other had hung up until he heard the small giggles and babbling. He hated Chanyeol at the moment for not letting him be part of the adorableness.

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