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The night had been a rough one for Suho. Sure he hadn't spent much time with Jun Hee due to his awkward nature but that didn't mean he cared for her any less than the other boys. He tossed and turned and was plagued with vivid nightmares of potential foster homes she may have in her future. They couldn't guarantee that whoever took care of her from now on would be good to her. They wouldn't know if they were abusive or negligent. So many things could go awry and so when the number of the police floated across his phone screen in the morning he was more than a little worried about what they might say.

Immediately he dressed and ran out the door with his keys in his hands. What they had to say was important and there was only so much time he had to do what needed done.


With Baekhyun having the biggest house of the twelve the boys decided to gather there. They could sulk together comfortably. Kai and Kyungsoo invaded the kitchen and started making brownies. Others would sneak in and dip their fingers in the chocolaty batter as kyungsoo turned away to grab something or turn on the oven.

Their time together was pleasant but the sadness loomed over them still. With each laugh they could still hear her playful giggles clearly. Hugging one another they could still feel the wight of her in their arms. Reaching for milk the could still remember making bottles and her eagerness to eat. Everything seemed like a painful memory despite their will to ignore it.

A ring of the door bell sent the tired owner to answer. What greeted him lifted his spirits and he immediately attacked his hyung with a hug.


"Is everyone here?" Suho asked ignoring the question.

"Yeah b-but how did-"

"I'll tell all of you at the same time." He reassured with a small smile on his face.

"Am I dreaming?" Sehun said jumping from the couch startling the boys next to him. "Did my baby girl come back just to see her favorite daddy!?"

He ran over and pried the car seat from Suho's hand. Immediately they huddled gushing over their little Jun Hee who they had missed so much. Once everyone settled to the best of their ability Suho began to speak.

"The police said that there are some delays and that social services need a few days to find a place for her. Sooo in the mean time-"

"We get to keep her!?" Chanyeol cheered snuggling closer to Sehun who held the baby.

Suho laughed and smiled at their excitement. He could feel the same happiness in his own body.

"Yes we can keep her, but not forever. We'll only have her for at the minimum a day."

"At least we get more time with her."

"Okay," he sighed "go have some fun."

Immediately they began arguing over who would get to have the first turn. Tao and Sehun took the stance that she liked them best. Others played the age card. Needles to say there were countless threats and bad agyeo being applied to the situation.

"Stop!" Kris snapped. "Who haven't spent any time with her?"

Chen, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol raised their hands. One simple glare sent the last boys hand down quickly.

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