Part 2

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Gotham City, New Jersey, Scarlet Rose's Auto Shop
August, 2023 - midnight

Jamie had left a few minutes after seeing the basement, excitement running through him. He seemed eager to get started on the plans for the tech hub.

This had left Scarlett alone in her office, typing away at her computer. She was looking into the local news, brushing up on the city.

She had of course been monitoring it since leaving, reading into all the new faces and the casualties around town.

Gotham's latest news, was Red Hood's reign had finally ended after Batman stopped him almost three weeks prior. No reports confirmed he was arrested or killed however, peaking her interest.

He just simply stopped.

Leaving behind him a broken city, still recovering from the gang war he had caused. It had been one of the worsts in Gotham, Falcone still of course making it out on top.

He always somehow did, her hands tightening into fists.


Taking him down was the ultimate goal, but in order to do that she first had to dismantle the entire inner workings of Gotham.

Using what Red Hood left behind, it may be easier for her to do so now they were still exposed. But there was a difficulty as well, most of them now hiding underground scared.

But that wasn't going to stop her from ending the crime within Gotham once and for all. Permanently, unlike the Bat that had been keeping the city "safe", since before she was born.

It didn't change much back then and it had barely made an impact now.

Villains and criminals would spend a few days, if not weeks locked up before breaking out and wreaking havoc on the city once more.

As much as Red Hood had taken apart Gotham, he was the closest one to ever actually ending the crime within the city. And he probably would have succeeded if Batman wouldn't have stopped him when he did.

She'd have to take over where he left off, her lips flicking into a grin at the idea of it. She had a long journey ahead of her, but one she had been waiting years for.

A knock came from her door suddenly, her eyes flicking up to the door as her hand hovered over the gun hidden under her desk.

It was Jamie, waiving at her through the glass. His winning smile massive and his cheeks flushed as if he had ran there.

He now wore a brown leather jacket over his white tee and jeans, his boots muddy from his trek over.

"If you dirtied my garage..." She started her warning, Jamie letting himself into the office. He suspected she wasn't going to be telling him to enter with her new annoyance with him.

"It's a garage." He reminded her, a sharp exhale streaming from her nostrils. She gave him a look, as if to ask why he was back and out of breath. "Want to start extending olive branches?" He asked, keeping it quite general.

She narrowed her eyes at him, unsure exactly what he had in mind. At midnight, it could only be a handful of things.

"Clubs, crimes or cars?" She asked, crossing her arms ready for the answer. Her excitement had peaked, but she tried keeping her expression neutral.

"A little of both... but mostly cars." He grinned, her own now widening. Standing, she grabbed her keys and phone shoving them into her jeans.

She didn't have to ask any further questions, the redhead already knowing where they were headed.

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