Part 3

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Star City, New England, Tragger Penthouse
August, 2023 - Across the states

Parking, Veronica let out a long exhale, exhaustion spreading across her body. She was sore, the fight she had with Carmine still weighing on her body.

Pushing herself to get out of her car, she waved to the doorman as he let her into the building. He was an older man, always nice to her.

"Welcome back Miss Teller." He smiled kindly, the brunette thanking him. She was tired, her limbs growing numb as she reached the elevators.

Pressing on the top button, she made her way to her home which was the penthouse. She was looking forward to slipping into her bed, already dreaming of the soft silk hugging her.

She was planning on sleeping until she had to leave to head to Gotham. No part of her looking forward to it of course.

But she'd do it for Scarlett.

The elevator doors opened, the brunette stepping forward to her front door. Collecting the mail that had been piling up at her door, she unlocked it balancing the stack in her arms.

The penthouse was dark, the curtains still drawn shut as she discarded the mail on a nearby table. She'd deal with it later, her bed beckoning her over.

Crossing the living room, she froze a sigh escaping her lips.

"I'm getting really tired of people waiting for me in the dark." She stated before clapping, turning the lights on all around her.

Sitting on the couch across from her was a man with an orange and black helmet resting on his lap. He was sitting relaxed as if he had been waiting for her a while.

Crossing her arms, she waited for him to speak, his presence a clear indication that he was finally cashing in his favour.

Gotham City, New Jersey, the Scarlett Rose's Auto Shop August, 2023 - 4 PM

A melody rang around the large garage, streamers, tables and food were set up in the open space the cars would soon sit in.

It was the cleanest mechanics shop for miles, everyone knowing it would soon be stained with oil. But that's what the young redhead was looking forward to the most.

The shop eventually looking like her father's, lived in and used. Every mess coming with a story.

At the top of a tall ladder, Scarlett was putting up the last banner, stretching out to tie the last strap. To anyone else it would have been difficult to keep their balance at such an angle, but she didn't even shake.

Her strong legs steadied her, her smile wide as it clipped into place. Her short daisy dukes cut right under her butt, the Scarlett Rose's Auto Shop tee hugging her figure perfectly.

She was excited to gift the men with their bonuses and new merch for the garage. Everything was coming together perfectly, the redhead happily humming along to the music.

In a way to get her unruly curls out of her face, she had clipped half of it up, the red strands cascading down her back.

"Excuse me? I'm looking for my best friend? She's crazy and opening a garage in a city I can't stand." The voice made Scarlett gasp, her head quickly turning to her front door.

She hadn't even heard the bell go off, making the mental note to have it sound louder. She didn't want her men to miss whenever the front door opened.

Veronica stood there with a massive smile, her bags still in hand. Jumping down from where she stood on the ladder, the redhead ran to her friend nearly tackling her into a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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