Chapter 11: The Monsters in the Mirror

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Pt. 2
Dreams can be cruel at times. They make you long for a life that isn't yours.
The night before the spring semester began I had one of those dreams. I was in a fancy room with a lot of people, but I wasn't sure what the occasion was. I looked around, and noticed it was prom. I looked for a place to sit, but I didn't know anyone. I walked to the very end of the room, by the only window the room had, and found a table where Kyle, and his friends were talking. I sat down, and the window opened, and it was him. Dressed in a different tux from what he'd worn prom night. He sat in a chair facing me, and he was looking straight at me when he said:

"Do you want to dance? We never got to do it before."

"Yeah, I'd like to." I said, and we walked to the dance floor. Looking at his eyes I felt happy.

"You're a really good dancer," He said.

"Thanks. I didn't know I could dance either."

"Of course you can dance. Everything is possible when you're dreaming."

"What?" I said, confused.

"This could only happen in a dream. We can not be a couple ever. Only in your dreams could we ever be together." Henry laughed, and walked away. I felt the worst pain ever, and everyone started to fade away. I was left alone.

I woke up sweating, and gasping for air. His voice was so vivid, and still in my head I started to cry. I had to admit it. He and I were never going to happen. I wanted to believe I was awake, but what if the dream never ended? What if I was still dreaming? I reached for my phone to see the time. 2 hours before I had to wake up for school. I had a text that reassured me the dream was over. A text from Dominick that brought me back to reality:

Good morning asshole. Thanks for ruining my life

I put my phone away, and lay in bed looking at the ceiling until I had to get up. Life had gone to shit in the last month. A month where I learned what I could do, and the level of pain I could cause to others. Dominick was right by saying I ruined his life, and I felt horrible. But there was no going back, what I did was done. I learned the hard way that I needed Henry around because no matter how hard I wanted to forget about him, and move on I couldn't.

My step dad dropped me off at school, and I was nervous. Who was I gonna see? Was I going to make new friends? It was a new semester, and I didn't know who was going to be in my classes, but after what had happened with Dominick I told myself I was done looking for a boyfriend. I told myself that I was never going to find happiness, so there was no point in trying anymore.

First class was speech. Linda was in that class, but we weren't able to talk. Besides, it was way too early to talk. After a small break I went to my next class which was government. There was this really cute guy sitting at the front of the classroom. He reminded me of Henry a bit. Same chocolate, short brown hair, and light skin. Nope. I told myself I was done with boys. I needed to move on, so I didn't talk to the cute guy.

The next day I had to come back to school. I was not happy I had classes every day of the week, but it was fine. I had math class at seven in the morning which was awful. Our professor stated that his class was going to be hard since we wanted to be teachers. I was the only guy there which was good, and bad. I would like a distraction in math. No. I yelled at myself in my head.

After a 1 hour break I had to go to English. Linda told me about the professor. He was cute. I had seen him around campus, but she said that he wore tight skinny jeans which pressed tightly on his bulge. I was going to be distracted the whole semester looking at it. I did see Kyle, but I didn't talk to him.

The rest of the week went on about the same.

I got home around 5pm. I had dinner, watched a bit of TV, and then finally got started on my homework. I was done around 9ish and I wanted to go to bed.

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