Chapter 24: Different but the Same

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Break went by in the blink of an eye. At least that's how it felt for me, because in no time I was back in school.

During the summer I had to change my schedule since I no longer wanted to be a teacher, and some of the classes I was enrolled in wouldn't matter to me anymore. I ended up signing up for a French class, which was good because I didn't want to forget what I had learned so far.

I didn't even know what to expect from classes. I wasn't sure who would be enrolled in the classes I was taking, but I wanted to believe I was going to at least make some new friends.

The first day went on, and when I was going into my geology class (it was a requirement), I saw Blake walking out from the classroom I was going into. I was out of words when I saw him, so I just nodded. Since it was still hot outside he was wearing shorts, and a tight shirt. I could see his arms were pressed tightly against the shirt. He nodded, and smiled. I pictured his smile for the remainder of class.

The day went on, and I was finally done with the first day of classes. As I was driving home, Kyle texted me, and asked me if I could give him a ride home. His car was still not fixed. I told him I was already home, and he didn't respond.

After school I went to the gym hoping I would see Abby, but she wasn't there. As expected there were a lot of hot guys. I was a bit intimidated since most people who were there were hot, and I was chubby, but I got my work out, and left.

The next day I was waiting to go into my French class when I saw Brad. The guy who trained me at Pizza Street. It had been a long time since I had seen him. Even when we both were in high school I didn't see him around often, and when I did he was too far away to even talk to him.

"I didn't know you went here." He said.

"Yeah, just trying to save some money." I told him.

"Yeah, same here. You still work at Pizza Street?"

"No, it closed down. I work at Dunkin Donuts now." I told him.

"Oh, fun. I didn't know Pizza Street closed down. I guess Rick just didn't want to keep the store huh." He said.

"Yeah, that's exactly how that went."

"Nice, well it was good seeing you again. I'm guessing I'll see you again around here somewhere." He said.

"Yeah, more than likely." I told him.

"Alright. See ya." He said.

I had forgotten he graduated in the spring, and I was glad I got to see him again. He was really cute, and I would be okay with running into him more often.

After school I went to the gym again, but this time I saw Alex leaving when I was going in. Alex was the guy I had a crush on in my gym class all the way back in sophomore year. He was the one Jackson caught me looking at the last day of that year. He had lost some weight, and it was obvious he thought highly of himself since when he saw me he side eyed me up, but said nothing. He left, and I did my work out.

The next day at school was the first meeting of SAGE. I was truly hoping to meet more people, and maybe a guy who would eventually become my boyfriend, but no one showed up. It was just Kate, Joe, and I.

"I'm guessing this time doesn't work for a lot of people." Kate said.

"Yeah, maybe we can incorporate another meeting time." Joe said.

"Yeah. That's fine." Kate said.

"What time would work for you guys. " Joe asked.

The meeting went on as usual, and we agreed to have two different meeting times to allow more people to come. I was ok with it since it meant having a meeting every week.

When I was done with classes I texted Henry to see if he'd want to hangout during the weekend, but as usual he didn't text me back. I guess things were back to how they were; he was going to ignore me for however long he wanted.

Friday after the manager left work, Dillan came in.

"Hey man." He said smiling.

"Hey, how've you been?" I ask him.

"I'm doing good. Just busy with school." He said.

"That's understandable." I told him. He orders his coffee, and I make it for him.

"Are you still at SCC?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I graduate in May." I told him.

"Nice, me too." He says. We talked a bit more about school, but I started to get busy.

"Alright. I'll see you around." He said.

"Yeah, see ya." I said. He left as Summer was walking in for her shift.

"Dang. He's cute." She said, and looked at him walking away.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked her.

"Yeah, but I can window shop." She said. I smiled, and rolled my eyes, and we got to work.

As my shift was ending one of her friends came in, and asked her for an application. He seemed cool, so I wouldn't mind him working there with us. I was excited to finally have a group of friends just like I did in high school.

Sunday night Jordan texted me, and told me he was planning a hang out sometime in the weekend to come since he'd been busy with his school for the first week of classes, but now that he had a break he wanted to do something fun. I told him sure. I was hoping I would get to see Henry again whenever we hung out, and I started thinking that maybe it was time for me to tell him how I felt about him. Maybe then things would begin to change even if it were for the worst.

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