Episode 3

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3rd P.O.V.

Everyone sat down at the dinner table as Summer was setting down the plates and utensils with the help of Ruby.

Ruby: So, mom what is Y/n cooking anyway?

Summer: If it from him than something amazing but if coming from Sienna than get your stomach ready for the worst.

Sienna yells from the kitchen as she pokes her head out.

Sienna: I heard that, Summer Rose!!!

Summer: Sorry! I didn't mean to be rude!

Sienna: Yeah, right.

Y/n pops his head out from the kitchen.

Y/n: She's not wrong Sienna.

Sienna: What did you say!?

Y/n: .........

Y/n quickly went back inside the kitchen.

Sienna: Get back here, young man!!

Loud sounds of crashing noises were coming from the kitchen as everyone can hear Y/n and Sienna arguing.

Sienna: You think my cooking is terrible! Well how about I give you a taste first hand!

Y/n: Sienna, please no! That last time I ate your food, I was unable to get out of bed!

Sienna: Huh! Are you mocking my cooking skills!?

Sienna picks up a frying pan.

Y/n: Sienna, no! Not the frying pan! Aaaaaahhhh!!

Everyone just laugh at the scenery that's happening in front of them.

Yang/Blake: Hahahahaha!!

Jaune/Pyrrha/Weiss: Hahahahahaha!!

Summer/Ruby: Hahahahaha!!

They started calming down a bit as they wipe away the tears.

Yang: Hahaha! Oh man, I needed a good laugh.

Blake: Totally! Hahaha!

Weiss: Honestly, he shouldn't have said anything.

Pyrrha: Weiss if you tasted Sienna cooking then you would agree with him.

Jaune: It can't be that terrible right?

Pyrrha: Oh, it is.

Summer: Hahaha!

Ruby couldn't help but smile at everyone until she think back at Atlast.

Ruby: Hey, Jaune.

Jaune: Yeah, Ruby?

Ruby: What happened back at Atlast and the bridge.

Everyone look at Jaune as he looks down feeling conflicted to tell them. However, Summer and Phryrra already know what happened thanks to Y/n keeping track on their adventures with his Crunchyroll account.

Jaune: It's hard for me to say, Ruby.

Weiss: What happened back at Atlast, Jaune.

Yang: And what happened back at the bridge with Cinder.

Jaune: I-

Pyrrha: We know that the city of Atlast fell and Cinder has the other relic.

Everyone immediately look at Pyrrha in shock of the knews.

Weiss/Yang: What!

Jaune: How did you-

Summer: We been keeping track of all your adventures since we left Remnant.

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