Episode 12

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3rd P.O.V.

Meanwhile in Remnant...

After everyone manage to escape from Atlast downfall thanks to team RWBY and her friends. They all took refuge at Vacuo where they decided to settle down for the time being until they recover. However, as some time passes things started becoming difficult for team RWBY's friends.

They're seen doing their best on helping the refugees of Atlast but some either complain, starving, feeling unease, or uncooperative. Causing so much stress for team RWBY's friends to handle on their own without support. But... out of everyone... Winter is taking it the hardest.

She blame herself for everything that happened since the fall of Atlast. Believing that if she just helped her sister and her friends then none of this would've happened in the first place. But because of her stubbornness and following Ironwood orders. It let to her loosing everything... her country, her home, the Schnee company, and her... sister.

Winter P.O.V.

Winter: It shouldn't been me... not you... I'm so sorry...

I stand over Penny's grave as I wallow with my own guilt. Why was I so stubborn to follow orders that I didn't see the big picture in front of me. And because of my stubbornness it cost me, my dear sister and her friends along with many innocent lives being lost in the process.

Winter: Please forgive me...

I said as a single tear slide down my face.

???: Winter.

I quickly wipe away my tears as I turn around to see my mother and Qrow.

Winter: Mother. Qrow.

Qrow: I knew we find you here again.

Willow: How are you doing dear?

Winter: I'm fine just.... *sigh* I was just thinking to myself.

Qrow: Don't blame yourself too much kid. Ironwood is to blame for not cooperating.

Winter: But I'm still responsible if I just help my sister her friends then none of this wouldn't happened.

Willow: I know dear but it too late to change any of that now. Right now the people need all the help they can get until we're ready.

Winter: .....

Suddenly I heard a portal opening next to us as we turn to see, Raven walk through it.

Qrow: Raven, what's the report?

Raven: The other kingdoms are gathering all the resources they can get from what left of Atlast.

Qrow: That's good to hear.

Raven then looked at me.

Raven: Winter.

Winter: Raven.

After I told Raven I was the new Winter maiden, she seemed pleased to hear it. Considering what she told me to the previous Spring maiden. And considering Cinder has the Fall maiden power we may need to work together to take her down.

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