Chapter thirty-eight

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Miya's POV

*a year and a half later*

So me and Harry have been married for almost a year now. And things are going great I guess. My mom still is crazy over Harry and his mom is the same with me. My sister thinks he's hot but she knows he's mine and for some reason my brother now thinks Harry is a drug dealer but there still real cool with each other. Harry's sister still HATES me and I still don't know why. Harry knows but he refuses to tell me. O an Louis and Eleanor are happily married. The got married about a month after me and Harry. Me and Eleanor are very close now I mean not as close as I am with Danielle though. Speaking of Danielle, she's still doing good, we don't dance together anymore because the boss thought I skipped out on work for two weeks when actually I was on my honeymoon but that ok I'm a nurse now I help out with the babies in the nursery. As for Serena a Niall I haven't talked to Serena iv talked to Niall but not Serena after what happened but I don't want to get into that, things will never be the same between me an Serena and me and Harry and even Serena and Harry. Poor Niall doesn't even know what happened. Right now in our lives it's just one big mess but we found away to get around it....I guess

*present time*

I jumped up out of the bed and ran to the bathroom like I have been doing for the past month and a half. I quickly opened the toilet an threw up. I hate this. I think I'm just sick. I'm always light headed at work I can't stand for too long at a time and I'm alway angry or sad.

"again" I hear Harry walk. He held my hair back for me

"well what do you want me to do about it" I snapped

He just sighed

After a while I was done. I got up brushed my teeth and laid back in bed. Harry came and sat next to me and just stared at me

"what" I asked

"are you pregnant" he asked

I just looked at him as I thought about how stupid I was to not think about that.

"we should get you tested" He said pulling my hands in his and trying to lift me out of bed


"c'mon Miya this is serious"

"Harry I'm serious I just wanna lay here ok"

"ok then I'll go get the test ok and you rest, I'll call work for you and tell them your not coming ok"

I just nodded my head as I pulled the blanket up over my shoulder.

"be right back love" harry said kissing my forehead. I just nodded

Harry's POV

"no again she doesn't feel good today Sarah" I said to Miya's co-worker

"yeah I think she'll just take the rest of the week off I don't know I'll tell you if she does though"

"ok you too bye" I said hanging up the phone.

I got out of my car and walked inside the store looking through isles for a pregnancy test

"aha" I said as I picked up a hand full of test.

I walked up to the counter an placed them there. The lady looked at me funny

"what I just wanna be sure so ring em up" I said in a hurry

I think I was starting to freak out at this point.

I paid for the test and I quickly ran out to the car an drove off.

Once I got home I quickly ran inside an nearly fell as I sprinted upstairs

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