Chapter thirty-six

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The wedding........

Harry's POV

Todays the day.....the big day...I'm marrying the love of my life..Miya. I thought to myself as me an the guys were all getting ready in the little room.

"are you excited?" Louis asked coming up behind me and putting his hand on my shoulder

"more ready than I'll ever be" I said fixing my tie

"are you nervous?" Zayn asked.

"a little" I breathed

"it's gonna be great you to are perfect together" Niall said

I just smiled and looked at the picture of me and Miya I put on the mirror cause I haven't seen her all day and I needed to.

I was ready. I had on a black tux with a white button up under my blazer. I had on my black dress shoes than Liam helped me pick out. I put on my watch that my mum gave me and the paper airplane necklace Miya had got me.

I fixed my curls around then I checked myself out in the mirror. I looked good.

Then we herd a knock at the door. It was my mum Step dad and Gemma. Gemma didn't look to happy.

"o my go look at you" my mom said pulling me in for a hug.

"hi mum" I laughed hugging her back

She pulled away and I could see the tears In Her eyes slipping down her cheek.

"mum dot cry.......yet"

"I can't help it I'm so proud of picked a good you woman out I just talked to her Harry and o my Harry..she's beautiful and I love you both"

I smiled at what she said and I pulled her In for a warm hug.

Then I went over to my step dad

"you look good Harry and I'm proud of you" he said

"thanks" I smiled then I pulled him in for a hug

Then I walked over to Gemma. She didn't seem happy at all

"it's happening and there's nothing you can do to stop it"

She gave me a dirty look and walked out the door. Me an Gemma haven't really been On Good speaking terms since she found out I was with Miya.

I then herd another knock at the door. It was Miya's mum.

"it's time" she smiled

I took a deep breath and nodded and we all walked out the door an made our way to the room.

Miya's POV

I was looking in the mirror at myself. I was alone in the room too scared to go out. Then I herd a knock at the door. I turned around and it was Danielle.

"whats wrong where all waiting for you Harry's kinda scared" she said

I think she noticed that I had been crying. My makeup wasn't running but you could see my face was red from it though.

"I-I'm scared" I stuttered

"why what is it"

"what if it doesn't work out" I said starting to cry again

"no no Miya don't think like that" Danielle said running up to me

"he loves you alot and you guys have been together for almost seven years and he asked you to marry him....Miya he's madly in love with you and I can tell cause he's freaking out right now"

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