8: I's Girls' Trip (A short chapter)

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Third Person

Irene's bedroom was a whirlwind of excitement as she prepared for her long-anticipated girls' trip to Hong Kong with her friends. Packing her suitcase, she glanced over at Greggy, who was sitting on the edge of the bed with a pout on his face, wearing his best puppy-dog expression.

Greggy, the master of making puppy eyes, gave her his best attempt, a mix of innocence and longing that had always been hard to resist.

"Irene, come on, can't I just tag along? It's just a girls' trip, and I promise I'll be on my best behavior."

Irene couldn't help but smile at his adorable antics but stuck to her decision.

"Greggy, you know it's a girls' trip. It wouldn't be the same with you there, and we need some quality time together."

Greggy persisted, "But I'll be so lonely without you."

Irene chuckled and sat down beside him, taking his hand. "I know, it's hard for both of us, but don't worry. I have an idea. How about we make a deal?"

Greggy's eyes lit up with curiosity.

"A deal? What kind of deal?"

Irene grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Well, here's the deal. I'll take a picture of me every day and send it to the group chat so you can feel like you're a part of the trip. In return, you have to promise not to sulk or be too grumpy while I'm away."

Greggy thought for a moment before nodding. "Deal. I'll be on my best behavior, and you better take lots of pictures, Irene."

They sealed their deal with a kiss, and Irene continued packing while Greggy, with a smile on his face, helped her, making sure she didn't forget any essentials for her trip.

As Irene and Greggy were packing for her girls' trip, Greggy decided to inject a bit of humor into the situation, making playful jokes that were thinly veiled attempts to convince Irene to let him join.

Greggy asked Irene with a mischievous grin. "You know, Irene, I heard that Hong Kong has a mysterious place only open to couples. It's called "The Magical Love Tunnel."

Irene raising an eyebrow looked at Greggy. "Really, Greggy? The Magical Love Tunnel?

"Yep! But I guess you wouldn't be interested in visiting it, right?" He asked.

Irene sighed. "Greggy, it's a girls' trip. You know that."

Undeterred, Greggy continued his playful campaign.

"What if the world's greatest hotdog-eating competition suddenly happens in Hong Kong, and I'm not there to compete?" He asked again making Irene getting slightly irritated.

"Really Greggy? Let me remind you that you're not a professional hotdog-eater." She replied.

Greggy quickly realized he was pushing his luck and softened his approach.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to make this packing process fun. I'll stop with the jokes." He said and hugged her.

Irene's irritation turned into a soft smile as she appreciated his efforts.

"Thanks, Greggy. Now, let's finish packing, so we can have some fun together before I go."

They continued packing, and Greggy's mischievous jokes turned into gentle teasing, creating a lighthearted atmosphere that made the process enjoyable for both of them.

Greggy with a playful wink said "You know, Irene, I bet Hong Kong is full of fortune cookies, and I'm just here trying to find my fortune with you."

Irene couldn't help but chuckle at the cheesy yet endearing remark. The laughter washed away her lingering irritation, and she playfully nudged and teased Greggy, grateful for the smiles he brought to her face.

"Greggy, as we're getting older, your jokes are getting cringier and cornier." Irene told Greggy that made him laughed wholeheartedly, appreciating Irene's good-natured ribbing.

"Don't worry, Dear. I'll be home before you know it. K?" she said and gave Greggy a peck at his cheek.

As Irene's departure day approached, both of them looked forward to staying connected despite the distance and enjoyed the adventures and experiences that awaited them.




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