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"So why'd you send Juice and Paige off with Riley?" Toni questioned Wayne as she followed him through the large mall.

"Because he knows what he's got to do and I need to borrow you because you know Paige better than anyone." Toni almost immediately stopped causing him to look back at her. "Toni...."

"Are you doing what I think you're doing?" His hands shoved into his pocket.

"Would you just please...?" She nodded before she continued to follow him. "I-I.... I'm done being stupid." He said when he stopped. Toni looked up at where they were and immediately knew what he meant. "I just really need some help."

"You realize I know exactly what she wants right...." His eyebrow raised. "How many conversations do you think I've had about this with her over the years?" He chuckled.

"Why do you think I brought you? Just tell me what and what size." A smile appeared along her lips before she nodded.

"I will but one condition...." Wayne's eyes met Toni's. "I get to help plan when you ask her."

"I don't want to make it a big thing Toni." He almost instantly replied before she laughed.

"You think that's what she wants?" He chuckled as he shook his head. "Exactly. I wouldn't fuck you over by doing that. I just.... I love her and I want to see her happy and you make her happy. So I just want..."

"You can help Toni. Just help me with this before she becomes suspicious." Toni just about dragged Wayne into the store. It took less than ten minutes for her to show him exactly what Paige wanted. By the time they got back to the other three they could both see Riley talking Juices ear off. "Sure you're not the one that should have a kid?"

"Nope not any time soon. We prefer our freedom." He chuckled lightly.

"It really isn't that bad.... Though I don't really know how it was when she was younger...." Toni looked up at him and could see something change in his demeanor.

"There's nothing you could've done to change it but you and I both know you and Paige are giving her the best life she could possibly have despite everything that has happened." Wayne nodded at her words before he felt Paige slip beneath his arm. He didn't even hesitate to pull her into a light hug.

"Everything alright?" Paige asked before they both nodded.

"Wanted to borrow him to see what he thought of my present for Juices birthday." Toni had the perfect distraction. Paige looked up at Wayne who chuckled and nodded.

"She go bloody mental as usual?" He nodded at the brunettes words before she lightly laughed. "You're nuts Toni."

"I love him. What can I say?" The blonde said with a cheeky grin.

"Daddddyyyyyyy...." Wayne caught Riley as she just about jumped from Juices arms into his.

"What's up little Love?" They could all see Riley whisper into his ear. "Ask Paige, Love...." Paige looked at him slightly confused before Riley leaned over and asked her the same question she had asked her father. Paige looked over at Juice for a moment who had a cheeky grin along his lips. Both of them knew Juice had been the one to get her to ask the question.

"You want to wrestle?" Toni's head all but snapped towards them. They had all been waiting for the moment Riley wanted to try it. A nod came from the little girl. "When did.... How did...." Her voice dropped so only the adults could hear. "Oh fuck it." Her eyes met Riley's. "Let's go then little Love." The young girl smashed into Paige as her lips pressed against the older woman's cheek. They could all see her just about bursting from excitement.

"Let's go then!" Juices excitement matched Riley's. Wayne couldn't help but shake his head as he chuckled.

"Yous have created a monster." He commented before they all laughed.

"A cute monster." Toni replied before they all started the walk to the car. "So are we actually taking her to.... Oooo wait let's take her to Tay and Sammy's!"

"Why do I keep forgetting they have a ring...." Paige commented with a laugh. "Can you call them see if they're up for company? If not we can bug Britt she said she was at the ring for the day with Austin."

"Hmmm.... So bug Britt.... Or Tay.... I choose Britt." Toni said with a smirk as she looked over at Juice who simply laughed.

"We were not a part of this decision." Wayne commented earning a nod from the other man as they got into the car. Paige effortlessly got Riley into her car seat before squeezing in between her and Wayne. "Finally figured it out huh?" His commented earned the elbow to the ribs he got.

"Those things are bloody stupid." Toni stated earning a laugh from Wayne as Paige nodded. "Like why do you have to clip a hundred things together before you can buckle her in."

"Because neither one of you have realize that all you've gotta do is hit the button to release it, pull her out and then the next time you just put the shit back around her and she's golden. You don't have to completely undo the stupid thing every time." Both women looked at Wayne like he had been keeping a secret from them for years. "What.... Yous could've asked but noooo you knew what you were doing." Paige shook her head.

"And you could've just said it instead of watching us struggle for months." He chuckled.

"But where's the fun in that Doll?" His comment made her roll her eyes as she leaned into him. "I love you." The words were said quietly into her ear. Her head turned before her lips pressed to his jaw.

"I love you too Geordie." She could see a smile along his lips as Juice started off towards the training ring they all used. "You sure you're alright with this?" He chuckled.

"If I wouldn't have been I wouldn't have told her to ask you Doll. I know she's in good hands with yous." Toni shot him a smile at his words before he felt Paige's lips along his jaw once more. Toni's next comment drew a genuine laugh from Wayne.

"And what happened, then? Well, in this car they say – that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day."

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