Part 2

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Your heart was thrashing against your chest, beating so loudly you could almost hear it against the pounding of Dannys fists on the sturdy wood of that cursed door.

Josh! Jake! He called, but there was no response. What the fuck?

How can they not hear us? you demanded, your voice growing shrill with fear. Guys! Were stuck in here!

Still, no response came. No yell back to let you know that theyd heard you, no approaching footsteps. Just, silence.

You frantically turned to Danny. Where did they go? I thought they were just right down the hall?

They were.

You began to thump on the door, too, but it was no use. It was a panic-driven move; if they couldnt hear Danny, they most likely couldnt hear you, either. You tried the knob again, but it remained unmoving, as if it had been screwed into place.

You couldnt believe this was happening. You just got locked in a dusty room down a strange hallway in an abandoned house by what was probably a ghost. A fucking ghost! Ghosts werent even real! Well, thats what you had thought up until this very moment. Its not like Josh and Jake wouldve locked you in this room.

I knew this wasnt a good idea, you huffed, crossing your arms. What if something happens to them? What if something happens to us? What if that ghost lady comes right through the walls and axe murders us?!

Were not gonna get axe murdered, Y/N. Its just a story, Danny tried to assure you, but you couldnt even begin to understand how he was acting so level-headed in a situation such as this. He looked so calm, his tone so even when he spoke, it almost made you angry. Did he even understand what was going on? You guys could get killed by a ghost!

Do you have your phone on you? He continued, just as collected as before. Maybe, we can call someone.

Hurriedly, you dug into your jacket pocket, pulled out your phone, and flipped it open. You had almost made it to Jakes name on your contact list before you realized you had no service. Not a single damn bar. You cursed and raised your phone in the air, hoping something would happen, but to no avail.

No service, huh? Danny asked.

You gave an exasperated sigh. No.

No service, Im guessing? Danny asked.

Well, there might be another way out of here. These old houses always have doors in weird places, Danny suggested. He took to shining the flashlight up and down the planes of the walls, carefully searching for another exit. It was a valiant effort, but a hopeless one, as you and Danny both knew there was no other way out of this room besides the very door that wouldnt open. You wouldve seen another exit the moment you walked in, anyway.

But then, Danny lit up. Look! Theres a window.

He crossed the room to the window, ever so bravely. And you watched as he pulled the curtain back—hoping and praying that this would be your way out—revealing a glass window, still perfectly in-tact. There was but one hitch, however, and your heart dropped into your stomach once you realized it: the window was securely boarded.

So much for that, he muttered.

And just as you thought things couldnt get any worse, the flashlight flickered and went dark, leaving you and Danny in total darkness. The only light in the whole room was the moonlight that crept its way inside through the cracks between the boards. When you tried, you could barely make out Dannys face.

Oh, come on! you groaned.

Hey, it gonna be—

How are you not freaking out right now? You cut Danny off, perhaps a little rudely, but that was the least of your worries, at this moment. Were stuck in this room, probably with a murderous ghost, and we cant fucking see!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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