Chapter 10

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Shit, I thought, apparently I shouldn't have mentioned seeing her on a dating app.

Riley had just walked into her room after I mentioned seeing her on Tinder.

I walked down the hallway and lightly knocked on her door.


"I'm just tired," I heard her say from the other side of the door, "I'll see you in the morning."

I rested my forehead on the closed door, feeling the alcohol in my system more than I cared to admit.

"Okay," I said.

I turned and kept going down the hallway to my own room. I opened my door and flopped down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

Great, first night with a new roommate that I had the hots for and she's already pissed at me. We were off to a great start.

I woke up the next morning with a wine headache that I definitely deserved. I laid there in bed trying to figure out how to approach the situation with Riley.

I had obviously said something to upset her, but fuck if I knew why. Not only did I want to clear things up with her for obvious reasons that I selfishly had, but I also didn't want a roommate that hated me after one damn night.

I rolled out of bed and threw a sweatshirt on as I walked out towards the kitchen. I could see Riley with her back to me making coffee.

"Morning," I said quietly, trying not to scare her.

"Oh!" Riley said as she turned around with a jump. "Hey, good morning."

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," I said.

Riley gave me somewhat of a grin, but didn't say anything else.

"About what I said last night," I started, "sorry if that bothered you. I didn't mean it that way."

I stood there uncomfortably and waited for Riley to respond. Most of the time I wasn't one to be awkward or uncomfortable around new people, but this clearly wasn't one of those times.

"Oh no, that's okay," Riley said shyly, "that was just um, a little bit of a phase I went through. I don't really like to talk about it."

I nodded, "I get it, I just remembered why you looked familiar to me, so I was just saying..."

"Yeah don't worry about it," Riley seemed to relax a little bit more now. "Cooper, my boyfriend, he doesn't really like hearing about it either so I just - I tend to try and forget it."

Well that seemed weird, but who was I to judge.

"No problem," I said, nodding again. "I just was having fun last night so I don't want anything to be awkward."

Riley smiled and nodded in agreement, "yeah it was fun, don't worry about it, I'm okay now."

"Okay cool," I said, trying to in fact remain cool.

I moved towards the coffee pot but the a knock at the door stopped me.

I looked over at Riley, "expecting anyone?"

She shook her head and shrugged.

I opened the door and was immediately greeted by the strong smell of alcohol.

Jeez buddy it's like 10:00 AM, starting early, I thought.

A tall blonde man stood in the doorway eying me up and down. "Hi..." I said, raising my eyebrow at him, "can I help you with something?"

"RILEY," he said loudly, the smell of alcohol continuing to pour out of him. "Are you in there??"

"Uhhh," I said, turning around to look at Riley.

"Jesus," she muttered as she walked towards the door.

"Cooper what are you doing here?" She asked.

Cooper, so this jack ass was her boyfriend?? I mean sure he was nice looking but shit did he seem like a mess.

"Why are you here?" He asked Riley as he leaned up against the door frame.

"Um, I'm living here now, but maybe we should talk about this another time," Riley said quietly to him.

"Living here??" He scoffed, "you don't live here you live with me."

Riley put her hand on her forehead and then looked over at me, and mouthed I'm sorry.

"Coop do you not recall kicking me out like a week ago? Seriously?" She asked him.

He looked at Riley like he didn't understand what she was saying.

"What, I didn't do that, are you crazy?" He slurred his words as he responded.

I stepped back slightly from the door, trying to let them have their privacy. I didn't want to go too far in case Riley needed help, but I didn't want to get in the middle of whatever this was.

"Cooper," Riley said more firmly under her breath, "please just go and I'll call you later."

Cooper kept his eyes on Riley and ran his hand through his hair as he considered his next move. He finally turned to walk away.

"Come home soon babe," he said loudly as he walked down the sidewalk.

Riley quickly slammed the door shut and leaned her back against it. She took a deep breath before looking up at me.



The Roommate (It's Complicated Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now