Chapter 26: Mortal Folly

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(You know who's chapter this is)

[The episode begins on a dismal-looking day at Bonnie's castle where she, Y/n, Briar, Finn, and Jake are meditating]

Jake: Ommmmm... [Whispering]

Finn: [Whispering] Jake! Bria! What am I supposed to be meditatin' about?

Jake: [Whispering] Don't know. I'm thinking of pillows stuffed with spaghetti.

Briar: [Whispering] I'm thinking about.... honestly no clue.

Y/n: [Whispering] I'm thinking about... things...

Bonnie: Clear your minds.

[The three inhale deeply. Finn exhales; his thought bubble shows himself as a heroic adult. Jake exhales. His thought bubble shows Lady Rainicorn riding a horse. Briar exales and her thought bubble shows her and the heroic adult Finn. Y/n exhales and his thought bubble shows..... well nothing. Bonnie exhales. Her thought bubble shows the Lich muttering in front of flames chanting quietly. She gasps.]

Y/n: Bonnie?

Bonnie: It's that vision again... [stands up] I have to go check on something! N/n I need you to come with me.

Y/n: Right.

Finn: Can we go with?

Briar: Yeah can we Papa?

Y/n: No-

Bonnie: Perhaps they are ready to go with. [Finn and Jake bump fists] Guys, you'll need to put these on. [To Finn] Pull back your hat.

[Finn does so. Princess Bubblegum puts the jewelry on Finn's head. A protective sphere appears around his head. She puts the jewelry on Jake; the same happens.]

Briar: How come I don't need one?

Y/n: Because of our DNA, just trust me.

Briar: Okay Papa.

[Bonnie rubs the gem on her crown; a protective sphere appears around her head as well.]

Bonnie: Stay close to me and N/n. [She claps nine times (the specific rhythm is "1 &-a 2 & 3 & 4 &"). Peppermint Butler appears and blows a huge bubble which engulfs the quintet.]

Finn: Whoa!

[The bubble rises to the canopy of the castle tree.]

Y/n: At the heart of this tree is an ancient evil, held in a prison of amber—the Lich.

Y/n: At the heart of this tree is an ancient evil, held in a prison of amber—the Lich

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[Mysterious chanting is heard.]

Finn: What's that sound?

Briar: I don't hear any sounds.

Bonnie:He's casting spells—trying to get in your head and control your bod... but these gems are protecting our minds from his influence. 

Y/n: Me and Briar aren't affected because of Reaper DNA, he can only control us if we are caught in the middle of a rebirth.

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