Chapter 27 / Who's right!

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 *I woke up in the morning because of the lights shining on my face. I stood up and went to the mirror, and I could clearly see that my eyes were red! So red that I couldn't even look at myself properly. However, I decided not to appear weak in front of others, so I cleaned my face and put on some nice clothes.*


 * As I came downstairs, I saw Jungkook and Mina sitting at the breakfast table, waiting for me

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* As I came downstairs, I saw Jungkook and Mina sitting at the breakfast table, waiting for me. I walked up to them and sat a bit far away. Mina smiled at me, but Jungkook kept his head down, refusing to look up.*

Yn= Good morning everyone!  *I siad with a loud voice but he didn't looked at me*

Mina= Good morning unnie! Did you slept well!  *eyes smile*

Yn= Y-yes I did *smiles back* Hmm are the divorce paper r-ready!  * This time, Jungkook looked up at me, and what I saw shocked me - his eyes were swollen! Did he cried for me? As I met his red eyes, I lowered my head.*

Jk= Yeah,  they are ready I'll get them this evening!  *emotionless* Guard take car out,  I'm going mina I'll come early today!  *gives a forehead kiss to mina and left*

Mina= Bye! DO take care of you ! So what are your plans today Yn!  Shall we go shopping! 

Yn= hmm right now I'll go to my dad as house and then if I come early we can go shopping *I siad while eating my breakfast*


Yn= Driver please take out the car abd drive to xxx house! *says while wearing heels*

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Yn= Driver please take out the car abd drive to xxx house! *says while wearing heels*


Yn pov
As the door opened I saw jack inside, why was he in here,  he was only an assistant,  but suddenly jack hugged tightly crying on me,  which was weird thing but then I moved him a bit

Yn= What happened Jac-

Jack= Unnie  ! Thank god your save!  Did dad do something wrong are you okay * I said while checking her if she had any injuries*

Yn= Dad would have never done anything to me *I said walking inside and placing my gucci bag on sofa*

Jack= "He would have! He would have sold you to those people from whom he lost his bet! I don't know if you know this, but he was the one who  killed your biological father too. And as for Jungkook's revenge, let me show you." *Grabs her hand and leads her to the basement, opening a DVD.*

Yn= What!  YOUR lyin- *Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw the DVD, causing my eyes to automatically close. How could he be a monster? He had raped Jungkook's mother in front of every guard and even Jungkook's 14-year-old sister!*

Yn= Who's who's that boy! *i said in a whisper*

Jack= Jungkook

Yn= close it!  Close the dvd!  Right now!  *I said while shouting*

Jack= Please, do not lose Jungkook; I beg you. Once you lose him, he will lose himself. I saw something in his eyes for you, and it was nothing but love and care. Back in time, he wasn't like this; he would disregard girls in an instant.

Yn= I WON'T DON'T WORRY * I with a smile and ran out, not bothering about what others were thinking! I went to JK's home where Mina was standing.*

Mina =You came early! Let's go for shopp- * Suddenly, she hugged me. Why was she happy? What happened to her? But I hugged her back, smiling and asked, "Why are you so happy?"

Yn= You'll know soon! Let's go for shopping I have to buy this dress called saree cause very wife wears it doesn't it! I'll buy a pretty saree today!

Mina= what!  Wife? Huh? But your divorc-

Yn= I'm not! *saying that I went in the lamborghini*

Mina = Unite really *jumps in excitement* Oh god shall we tell jungkook abt it!  *I said while giggling nonstop*

Yn= No, no let him come!  With divorce papers and then!  Okay! , driver start the car! 


Jk= Is the divorce papas ready!  *I said in a cold tone looking at my laptop*

Lawyer= Y-yes s-sir !

Jk= Fine, leave them on the table!  And you can go!


Yn= Mina what about this one!  ????

Mina= Perfect jungkook will l9ve it!  He might not be able to control himself *giggkes*

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Mina= Perfect jungkook will l9ve it!  He might not be able to control himself *giggkes*

Yn= Yah mna stopped *blushes*


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