C H A P T E R : N I N E

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Jude Bellingham was hopeful

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Jude Bellingham was hopeful.

He was hopeful when he made the decision to visit Aleyah. He was hopeful when he'd stopped by the mall to purchase a few toys for August's belated birthday, planning to use them as an excuse for coming to see her. Jude was hopeful during his drive to the restaurant, believing that this would finally be the time Aleyah would let him progress with his advances.

The young man was filled with hope up until he met eyes with the embrace of the two friends sitting on the bench. That single interaction was more than enough to halt his steps.

The hug was a simple, short-lived one and under normal circumstances, this wouldn't have bothered the Birmingham boy. However, these weren't normal circumstances. Jude saw the lingering touch of the male on Aleyah's back, he saw how he moved ever so slightly to be closer to her, even if it was by an inch. He saw the look of longing lighting up the male's eyes, a look he was all too familiar with when it came to Aleyah.

But Jude knew that he shouldn't jump to conclusions, even though there was a small voice in the back of his head telling him that the strange male was possibly the reason for her unresponsiveness. He remembered the unmistakable reciprocated look of infatuation Aleyah gave him on more than one occasion, despite being so subtle. Jude knew that there was still an opportunity for him to pursue things with her, he just needed to play his cards right. Figure out the beautiful complexity she was.

And so with that being his main thought, he let his feet take him towards that same bench. Jude, however, hadn't realized that he didn't think the situation through. So when he did stop by the bench, he just stood there behind Aleyah, looking more like a bodyguard than the idiot he assumed himself to be.

"Is that Jude Bellingham?" The boy beside Aleyah asked carefully, lacking the excitement that the footballer usually heard with that question.

Aleyah, obviously being caught off-guard, turned around vigorously, jumping back slightly when she realized just how close the boy was. Once she caught her cool again, the girl glanced back at him, immediately locking eyes as he was already looking down at her.

The intensity of his gaze caused her heart to speed up, making her forget all the reasons why she would ever want to avoid his big brown eyes. "Aleyah, we have to talk." He said unwavering.
The tension between them quickly thickened to the point where it was almost suffocating. And it seemed like Lucas could feel it too as he stood up to interrupt whatever strange interaction that was occurring. 

"She doesn't have to do anything." The boy walked over to Jude, leaving a few feet in between them.

Jude, who had a few inches on Lucas, barely glanced in his direction before speaking, "I think she's able to speak for herself." His gaze focused back on the girl who had recovered from her stupor. "Come on, I'll walk you back to the restaurant."

After a moment, the girl nodded and stood up, inciting a warning from her friend. "Aleyah," he said reprimandedly.

"Luc, it's fine. I was expecting this anyway, I'll meet up with you later." She gave him a quick pat on the shoulder in goodbye before turning to walk away with the taller male.

The two had about a minute of silence go by before Jude began. "I texted."

"I saw," Aleyah replied curtly.

"I know you did." He spared a glance at her.

"What a conversation, huh?" The girl joked, trying to ease up on the newly found awkwardness.

"Yeah, interesting." He let out a dry laugh.

Another beat of silence passed.

"So why didn't you reply?" Jude quizzed, impatience getting to him. Despite how cool his exterior seemed, the boy was internally perturbated for more than obvious reasons.

"Sorry?" Aleyah asked, knowing fully well what the male had said. The girl had known that it was only a matter of time before she turned him down completely. She had practiced her speech multiple times throughout the week so when the time did come, she would be ready to put an end to whatever was budding between them quickly. However, now that she was in the actual situation, Aleyah found herself hesitating, thinking of all the unanswered what-ifs on her list of pros.

"I thought we were getting along well," he started, "I mean, the dinner went well, didn't it?" Jude asked, letting his nervousness crack through his facade slightly.

"It did. August's still talking about the cheesecake," she gave a reassuring smile up at him. 

Jude gave a similar smile to reciprocate as he silently urged her to go on.

And with a sigh, she did. "Jude, I really did appreciate last week, genuinely." Aleyah stopped walking and turned to face him. "I'm honestly not sure how I can ever repay you but I can't go out with you." 

The boy frowned causing wrinkles to form on his forehead. Aleyah resisted the urge to reach up and smoothen them out. "Why not?" He asked.

"It's just that you're you and I'm me," she tried to emphasize her point with the use of hand gestures.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He questioned easily and Aleyah couldn't tell if he seriously wasn't able to put two and two together.

"Jude, your entire life is on the internet. I could go online right now and find out the hospital you were born in. If I were to be involved with you, then your fame would extend to me and then my life would be online too. I don't need that type of exposure. Nor does August."  She elaborated further then turned to continue her tread, the boy quick to follow.

Jude frowned deeper, "Not everything is online." He said after being in thought for a while.

"Really? Like what?" Aleyah's words were dripped with sarcasm.

"My hidden talent."

"You have a hidden talent?"

Jude hummed in agreement.

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you. That's second date information." This incited a laugh from the female beside him.

"You can't be serious."

"I can and I am. It's called a hidden talent for a reason, Leya." Jude spoke with a hint of humor laced in his words. 

"Then why'd you even bring it up?" Aleyah questioned, trying to ignore the butterflies in her gut at the use of her nickname.

"Just wanted you to know what to expect when we go on our second date." He answered casually.

"Second? When was our first?" Aleyah spluttered out, feeling both endearment and frustration at his determination.

"Tonight." Jude grinned slyly.

"Unfortunately, I'll have to turn you down. I have work." The girl quickly tried to shut down whatever plan was brewing his his stubborn head.

"That doesn't seem like such a problem." 

"I'm not missing work to go out with you."

"Nobody said anything about missing work." He winked.

A / N

Here's the update! I don't have much to say other than thank you so much for the attention this story has gotten! I'm honestly super grateful for all of it! Hopefully, this chapter is up to your standards!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

NB: This chapter is unedited.

See you sometime soon!


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