The Phenex Has Appeared

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A few days had passed since Saito's promise to train Issei, and he was starting to adjust to life at Kuoh Academy. He had been discreetly going about his business, making sure not to draw too much attention to himself. Little did he know that a dramatic turn of events was just around the corner.

One bright morning, Saito was seated in his classroom, diligently taking notes during a particularly boring lecture. The monotonous hum of the teacher's voice was suddenly interrupted by the classroom door swinging open. Standing in the doorway was Kiba Yuuto, who had a determined look on his face.

"May I speak with Saito, sensei?" Kiba asked the teacher politely.

The teacher, somewhat surprised by the interruption, nodded and allowed Saito to leave the classroom. Saito followed Kiba out into the hallway, wondering what could be so urgent.

As they walked through the hallways, Kiba explained the situation. "Saito, there's someone in the Occult Research Club room who wants to see you. I think you should come with me."

Curiosity piqued, Saito followed Kiba to the Occult Research Club room. The door opened, and Saito stepped inside, only to be met with a sight he had not anticipated. There, in the room, stood a man with striking yellow hair, who exuded an air of arrogance. It was Riser Phenex, a member of one of the prestigious Devil noble families.

Riser turned to face Saito, a condescending smile on his face. "Ah, a mortal. How fascinating. Tell me, young man, what brings you to this esteemed academy of ours?"

Saito, undeterred by Riser's haughty demeanor, stared back at him with steely determination. "I'm here to protect the innocent and ensure the safety of this world. Don't underestimate me just because I'm a mortal."

Riser raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by Saito's response. He extended his hand, conjuring a small fireball in his palm and then flung it at Saito.

Without missing a beat, Saito's body erupted in a flash of red light, and he transformed into Dekaranger Red. The fireball harmlessly dissipated upon contact with his transformation.

Saito: "You really underestimated me," Saito declared, his voice filled with confidence.

Riser was taken aback by Saito's transformation and his newfound strength. "Impressive," he admitted.

It was then that Rias Gremory, accompanied by her peerage, entered the room. She had sensed the disturbance and was prepared to intervene if necessary.

Riser:"Rias, I was merely testing this young mortal's mettle. He passed."

Rias, with a calm yet inquisitive expression, regarded Saito. "Listen i don't care about the marriage and i am ready for the rating game"

Riser:"If you win, you may name any one thing you desire as your prize."

Saito, still in his Dekaranger Red form, observed the exchange closely. Riser Leaves and Saito looks back.

Saito:"Thats what your dealing with?"

With the challenge laid out before them, and the clock ticking, Saito couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and determination. He was ready to embark on a new adventure, one that would test their strength and camaraderie. He struck a heroic pose and declared

Saito: "I'll train you all, and together you'll become a force to be reckoned with. Don't worry, we've got this."

A few days had slipped by since Saito had pledged his help to Rias and her gang. He'd been helping Issei, Kiba, and the rest of the Occult Research Club with training and making sure they were ready for the upcoming Rating Game against Riser Phenex. The tension in the clubroom was palpable as the fated day drew near.

One sunny afternoon, while the group was having a quick strategy meeting,A Grey Magic Circle Appeared; they were greeted by a woman who exuded an air of power and grace. She had long, flowing hair and an aura that practically screamed authority.

Saito: "You must be Grafiya Lucifuge, the strongest Queen."

Grafiya gave a small, approving nod. "Indeed, I am."

Rias: "Grafiya, we're ready to train and prepare for the Rating Game. We won't let Riser win this time."

Grafiya: "Good. You will need all the training you can get. Riser is a formidable opponent.

Saito"But don't underestimate them.They have got a few tricks up our sleeves."

Grafiya: "I can see that you're a confident bunch. Very well, you have ten days to prepare. Make the most of it."

As the powerful Queen departed, Saito couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. 

Saito:"Alright, team, it's crunch time. Let's train like there's no tomorrow."

Issei, Kiba, and the others nodded in agreement. They were ready to give it their all and show Riser that they weren't to be taken lightly. The stakes were high, but with Saito by their side and their unwavering resolve, they were determined to come out on top. As the countdown to the Rating Game continued, the Occult Research Club was gearing up for the showdown of a lifetime, and they were ready to prove that they could handle whatever Riser Phenex threw their way.

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