Izuku The Man from the fog in a only female society

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If you didn't check my other The Man on the fog story then check it out because it has a picture and like the first five seconds of reading it

But anyways Deku was in the world were only females had quirks and for some reason females were basically Born to be stronger taller faster basically better than rails which caused them to not only have a higher ego than males obviously but I also think males are only useful for making more female heroes

So Deku had three sisters they were overprotective of him at the beginning but once they got their powers things change the same with her friends perhaps females grow to be about like 8 or 7 feet tall sometimes males are usually just five or shorter

But anyways when Deku was like at the age of four he was like 2 feet tall and his sisters were like 4 feet tall

So anyways let's get on with the story so Deku was basically going with his sisters and mother to get to see what their powers were and he will be happy no matter what even if he isn't able to get a power doesn't mean he hast to be angry at them or anything like that so do you were driving to the car but let's just say so he doesn't get harassed the parents or mother if you want to make Deku a yagi then do it and Tashi that would be her name

So anyways if you want to know how everything happened they the family aren't really male haters on how they got pregnant basically is because of going to a sperm donation area

But anyways so his sisters after they were done with their course and told their brother on what it was he was in the middle mainly because that's how they normally are and then joy being close to their brother they also made a promise to protect him from bullies

Which they always did, The same with their friends class 1A but anyways his sisters were watching the TV he wants to go home and his parents all day took them out to celebrate with Deku because of them being so overjoyed with their daughters quirks so they were watching TV while deck it was in his room being Deku and doing like either hero journals or so although his favorite hero journals are on like his aunts and etc. perhaps rei and mitsuki are heroes

Also MT Lady mirko and midnight also are basically family friends and also are like aunts to him but anyways his sisters were basically watching the news on how a heroine I think that's the name of female heroes but she was killed basically and she had a really powerful quirk probably as powerful as in the top 50s

Obviously this made his sisters very concerned and you probably can guess what happened they talk to their friends about it and yeah so they came up with the idea of bullying him is Tennessee's him obviously all it did was turn on into someone that doesn't really like females he doesn't even like males either basically he doesn't like the human race in general or doesn't really like to be stared at in his new form

But anyways he started to basically get beaten up by his so-called friends he allows it to happen though he has tried to tell his parents but usually they just slap him and yell on not to lie as than being or slowly turning Quercus is not helping not even his aunts help or they say as they think their children are angels or basically not even midnight MT Lady mirko actually helps or azawie and her wife which is Miss joke if you want to add Burnin to the Aunt list

But after that later on he's slowly starting Two terms sort of he is very sentient even when are you transforms basically everything he does is on his own he's not being controlled by anyone he is basically doing everything on his own free will

But anyways when are here at the age of six the transformation basically started like he has full control during the day and at night to transform but he uses the darkness to hide

So on his sixth birthday also his sister's birthday at night time he woke up sort of and basically Out the window not breaking the glass and then he ran into an alleyway and started to transform and for some reason fog was rolling in out of nowhere and there was this one female obviously she is quirkiest so basically while she was walking home to get like basically getting stuff for her daughter also Deku has a little bit of a soft spot for men like he will still kill men and like children basically at least the male ones especially the female ones as well basically the whole reason why he is doing it is to stop human reproducing basically because of what females have done and it will make less males suffer

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