Worst First Date

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A/N; I wanted this to feel like a real episode of Bratz, hope you enjoy it!

       "That outfit is slammin' Pretty Princess," Sasha said as she and the other Bratz sat on Yamin's bed.

"You think so?" Yasmin said as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Totally," Jade said as she updated their newest article; 'What To Wear On A Rockin' First Date.'

"I can't believe you and Eitan are dating!" Cloe said as she hugged a pink pillow, "I mean- don't get me wrong I'm happy for you, it's just, Camron and I have been seeing each other and haven't been on a single date!" Cloe said out of breath.

"Calm down Angel, me and Eitan are not dating!" Yasmin said as she turned back to her girls, "It's just dinner-"

"Maybe some dancing," Sasha teased as she pulled Jade away from her Bratz laptop and began to waltz with her.

"With some romantic poetry," Jade said playing along.

"And some lovely roses," Cloe said jumping on the bed.

"Okay okay enough," Yasmin said giggling as she laughed with her friends, "I better get going!"

"Have fun!" Jade waved to her friend as she once again jumped onto her bed.

"Tell us everything!" Cloe pleaded.

"Don't forget a single detail!" Sasha said out loud, "And have fun!"

"See you girls later," Yasmin chuckled as she left for what was soon going to be the worst first date ever.


Yasmin agreed to meet up with Eitan at the Juice Bar after he was done work, that's when he saw it. Another girl flirting with her date!


Once Eitan saw Yasmin he left the mystery girl and ran to her, "Hey Yas."

"Who was that?" Yasmin said crossing her arms.

"Who that?!" Eitan said nervously, "That was- no one!" he lied hoping that Yasmin would care.

Yasmin wasn't buying it, but she liked Eitan and didn't want to ruin their first date. "Okay," she said with a smile, "so where are we going?"

"I have the whole night planned!" Eitan said, "Trust me, you'll love it!"

Eitan took Yasmin to the most perfect Italian restaurant where they had the best Pasta. Everything was going perfectly until-

"And how would you like to pay?" the waiter said as looking a the two.

Eitan smiled as he reached for his wallet when his face dropped, "m-my wallet, I guess I forgot it."

Yasmin rolled her eyes as she reached for her purse, 'if he didn't want to pay that's fine- but don't make up a fake excuse!'

Yasmin paid the bill and left with Eitan for their next activity. "Eh sorry about that Yas," Eitan tried to explain.

"Whatever," Yasmin said brushing it off like it didn't bother her when it did.

Turns out this date dream date has turned into a nightmare.


After that, the two not-so-fab couple went for a walk in the park down a romantic pathway. "You look really- righteous Pretty Princess," Eitan said with a strain on his voice.

Yasmin gave him a look as she took what she assumed was a complaint, "Um thanks?" She said not knowing what else to say.

"Um look ice cream stand! You want one?" Eitan said hoping it would turn the scenario around. "I have a friend who works there who can get us some for free."

"Sure," Yasmin said a little more uplifted tone.

"Hey dude, two Rocky Road ice creams," Eitan ordered. Eitan's friend handed them their treats, they were about to head out there when he spoke out.

"Don't worry about it Eitan, I'll just take it out of your pay," he said, "enjoyed."

"Your pay?" Yasmin said as she walked with Eitan down the park's path, "I thought you worked at the Juice Bar?"

"I do!" Eitan said covering for himself, "I don't know what he's talking about!"

"Okay, what's going on?" Yasmin said fed up, "This whole evening has been nothing of what I thought it was going to be. You 'left' your wallet at work, you said I looked 'righteous', and you're keeping secrets about your job?!" Yasmin snapped.

"Okay Yas," Eitan said in defeat, "this isn't how I wanted the date to go-"

"I knew it, you didn't want to go out on a date with me!" Yasmin said heartbroken. "I was so excited about tonight and now it's ruined."

Just then Eitan saw a girl in the distance, "Yas, just give me a minute," he said as he made his way to the beautiful girl from the Juice Bar. Yasmin was beyond heartbroken. How could Eitan do this to her? She thought they were friends she thought they could be more than just friends. She wanted nothing more than to leave him with the pretty girl who was his girlfriend.

This is not how I thought this date was going to go


"Yasmin wait up!" Eitan said as he ran to catch up with Yasmin who was already walking home.

"Later Eitan, you seem pretty busy," she said as she walked away.

"No, you don't understand," he said once again trying to redeem himself. "That's Laura, she works with me!"

"Ya that clears up everything," Yasmin said walking at a faster pace hoping to lose him.

"No Yas, she was helping me!" he said as he pulled out a box from his pocket. He opened it to reveal a bracelet that said; Princess on it. "I asked her for her help to get this for me at the jeweller's."

Yasmin looked at him confused, "Then why have you been blowing me off all night?"

"Because I was already nervous that a girl is as gorgeous as you would even consider going out with a guy like me! I even picked up another job at that ice cream cart just so that I could get you that bracelet." Eitan said pouring out his heart. "I just want you to see what you mean to me," he said hoping that she would see him for who he is.

Yamin was completely speechless, "you did all that for me?" she asked softly.

"Yes," Eitan said with a small smile on his face, "Laura was here to drop off my wallet because I left it at my last shift- I've been so busy with work I didn't even notice! You're the one I want to be with."

Yasmin smiled as she extended her arm for Eitan to put the bracelet on her. "Eitan, I need you to promise me two things if we're gonna start dating," she said as she looked at the brown-eyed boy.

"Anything," Eitan said looking back at her in devotion.

"Promise number one is that you quit your second job; I can't have you working just so you can buy me things," she said honestly.

Eitan smiled as he looked at the kind-hearted girl, "Okay Yas... but I do need to work for those two ice creams we did eat," he joked.

Yasmin giggled as she made her way to her second point. "And promise number two is no more secrets; if you have something to tell me just tell me. Whatever problems you have we can solve them together."

"Of course, Pretty Princess," Eitan said as he took her hands."


Yasmin couldn't wait to tell the Bratz how she had the Worst, Best First Date Ever! And how she couldn't wait for date number two!

And so that's how a Pretty Princess found her knight in shining armour.

A/N; Thank you so much for reading this story I hoped you liked it and that it felt like a real episode. Bye for now!

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