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"Finally!!!!!!! I am going to meet my dream person!"  Ji ah shouted excitingly.
" Yes you are saying this for the 99th time!"   Her bestie exclaimed getting mad.
" Oh did you count or what?" Ji ah said with a smirk and to that her bestie replied " Now just go and get ready and don't annoy me! "
      Ji ah smiled and went away.
"This girl uff!! She is crazy man!" She said sarcastically.

*Time skip*

They finally arrive at the fan meeting and went inside.

"Oh god! It's so hot outside but I feel nice here inside!" Won ha exclaimed ( Ji ah's bestie )
They were very excited as they were in the fan meeting of 'The Kim Taehyung'. After some time Taehyung arrived in the venue. Everyone started shouting.

*Fast forward*

After performing some songs he called some armies to play with him and Ji ah and Won ha were two of them. They were just so overwhelmed and lost in their own world, they felt it like a dream that Taehyung's manager asked them their names and they came back to their senses. After introduction they started playing. They played many games such as Guess the song, Tennis, they even danced to different songs. Taehyung talked with them, laughed, shared some moments and to be honest Ji ah was very excited but her behaviour towards Taehyung was so adorable and calm. Taehyung looked so happy talking with her and also others. After everything Taehyung hugged all the armies who played with him and when he hugged Ji ah she was traumatized (😂 sarcastically). She hugged him back and was in shock and her bestie is no less than her (😂). After everything finished they came out of the venue.
"Oh my goddddd!!! He hugged us!!!" They said it together with an excitement and hugged each other. They were waiting for their cab outside and then they saw Taehyung leaving. Won ha hit Ji ah. "Hey see, Taehyung!" Ji ah looked in the direction and they both waved at him and to their surprise he also waved at them. They were going to explode now. Really!! ( A/n :These girls!!🤭 )

*Time ran away*

The venue was empty with a very few people and their cab still did not arrive. "Ah! When will the cab arrive. I am tired of waiting" Won ha said suddenly leaning on Ji ah. "Hey you
미친 년! (Search it up on Google 🤭) You are troubling me from the morning. Now just stop! I am also in the same situation as you!" Ji ah said gittering her teeth.
Then a black car arrived. A man and a woman in black came out of the car.

They just started with their mouths open.

They seemed to belong from an organization.
Black clothes, black glasses, black earpieces, black gu....

"What??" They both realised at the same time. 'Black gunsss??'

They had guns too. Ji ah and Won ha looked at them in surprise. They turned their heads away but a man approached them.

Some of the others came with him and held Won ha.

"What the heck?? Leave me ! What are you doing!"

"Shhh!" The man indicated her to keep quiet.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Leave her!" Ji ah shouted

"Get her" the man said and some of them were dragging Ji ah away

"Leave her you bast...---" she froze at the sight of a gun pointing towards her head.

"Leave me leave me!!!" Ji ah yelled being dragged and her voice faded slowly......

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