Not a prank

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*Turns aside*

"I can't sleep. I just can't sleep like this" she said getting up from the bed and panting for air.

It was 10 in the morning. She was laying down from yesterday night but her eyes did not close even for a minute.

She was worried, about her bestie.

*Ji ah lived alone. Her parents passed away in an accident. She and Won ha were childhood friends.

There was no one to care about Ji ah except her bestie.*

She was tensed, trying to figure out what to do. She couldn't contact the police because

"You know the consequences"
These words were banging on her head.

"What can I do? *Sob* How can I save her *sob* Who can I ask for help??"

She thaught. Then..
Something struck her mind. She picked up her phone, and Dm-ed someone.

She was damn sure that the person was not going to pay attention, but she tried in a hope for something.

She loved Ji ah very much. She stood by Won ha every time she needed it. Ji ah was the one whom she could trust without any issues. And now she is not here. She was crying, her heart becoming restless to see her.

Neither did she have her breakfast nor lunch.

*At evening*

She picked up her phone knowing that what she did was nothing of use but with a little hope she checked it.


A loud bang. She jumped up so loudly that if the pressure had been a little more, the chair would have broke.

"What happened can you explain me in detail??????????"
He put so many question marks at the end and in no time, she received a call.

She was in shock, not being able to believe that it was actually happening. She recieved the call and explained him what happened there.

"Please don't prank me. I am trusting you" Taehyung said

"I am not pranking you. Why will I prank you in such a serious topic?" Won ha replied

He got assured that it was not a prank by looking at her face which was full of nervousness and fear and tention.

"Let's meet somewhere and discuss about it" He suggested

"Hmm that's better but, where?" She asked.

Taehyung suggested a place and they decided to meet there.

They cut the call.

Why is this happening? Does this really has to do something with me? Let's see. Taehyung thaught to himself.

Just then Jin entered there. He saw Taehyung was deep in thaughts.

"What happened Taehyung? You look so serious!" He commented.

"Nothing much hyung"

"But it feels like something is the matter" Jin replied.

"Actually..." Taehyung explained what happened.

"Hmm I see! It's serious, but, why are you getting so involved I mean you are not related to her kidnapping right?" Jin said.

"There is a reason hyung, a serious reason. I have to get involved" Taehyung replied.

"What's that?"

"It's very hard to tell now"

"Ok" I respect.

Jin went away.

Let's hope that I can save her. Taehyung thought to himself.

He was tensed, tensed about what was going to happen because he had to save her.......he had to.


A/n : sorry for the late! I was busy watching World Cup😅

Let's see who wins!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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