Chapter 2: The School of Hard Nox

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*Thanks to everyone who has read and enjoyed this story so far. This chapter is mostly an adaptation of Wakfu Episode 2, "Yugo the Eliatrope", but I included some changes from the original. Chapter 3 and onwards will deviate from canon quite a bit, but until then, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

While Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan 4 only lasted a few minutes, it left quite an impact on the people living in or somewhere close to Emelka. The shaking of the entire planet was so intense, in fact, that many assumed Ogrest was going to cause a massive, cataclysmic flood once more. This belief ended up being a mere assumption, of course, but it didn't stop fear and paranoia from spreading like wildfire.

Soon, the entire nation of Amakna could be trying and failing to figure out the origins behind this global earthquake. Two young girls, at the moment, were doing just that.

They each sat around a small campfire while their mounts, two Dragoturkeys, either ate some grass or laid down to rest. One girl, a teenage Cra named Evangelyne, had short, somewhat spiky blonde hair, green eyes, and pointed elven ears. The other girl was a Sadida, Amalia Sheran Sharm, had tan skin, brown eyes, and long, leaf-like green hair.

Both of their bodies were covered by brown cloaks with white tufts of fur on top.

"You know, maybe we should have just stopped by Emelka. Whomever caused that tremor could have ended up there... or someone familiar with them, at least." Amalia said in a curious, wistful tone. "It did seem pretty close to it, right?"

Evangelyne deadpanned. The Sadida princess had been going on and on about this topic ever since they asked that old Enutrof for directions.

"Don't take me for a Iop, Amalia. There's no possible way a single person could be behind all of that. I think those 'prophetic dreams' you've been having might be getting to your head." The Cra glowered in reply. "I mean, isn't it a tad bit coincidental that you received this dream exactly one day before your brother's birthday? The same brother who you just had another bad argument with not too long ago?"

Amalia looked away and tried to shrug off her friend's question.

"There's nothing coincidental about it. These prophecies just tend to appear at the wrong time, you know?"

"Yeah, right." Evangelyne snorted sarcastically. "Just don't get too comfortable. This little "prophetic adventure" of ours will only be lasting a few days."

The Sadida girl's eyes widened in surprise.

"Huh? That's all?! But... um... the prophecy might take longer to come true than that. Or we might even get lost in the forest! Or get surrounded by some dashing bandits." She said, trying to come up with any kind of excuse possible. "And our Dragoturkeys are pretty tired too! You wouldn't want them to walk all the way back home with the whole world shaking about, would you, Eva?"

Evangelyne shook her head. "That only lasted a few minutes. I seriously doubt it'll happen again."

"Oh, where's your sense of adventure and imagination, Eva? You should expand your horizons and try something new." Amalia sighed. She then held up a kebab of food that was cooking in the fire. "Like this, for example! The white things are roots."

The Cra reluctantly took a bite out of it and swallowed.

Amalia beamed with a wide smile on her face. "Mmm, good, yeah? Huh? Tasty, right?"

Judging by the look on Evangelyne's face, it did not, in fact, taste good.

"Yum. They taste of adventure."

The Sadida princess placed both hands on her hips and harrumphed.

"Hmph! No need to be sarcastic about it."

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