Sho Me Love

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"Otsukaresama!" Sho sang happily when you met up with him in a park not too far away from where you worked.

"Hi Sho." You smiled tiredly before falling into his hug. Sho had two days off before his free weekend, so he was more rested than you for once.

He had proposed an after work walk in the park which you were all for until the day hit you and all you wanted was to be swaddled.

"Do you want to go on the swings first?" Sho proposed as if he could see the baby in you coming out.

You nodded energetically, making him laughed as he led you over to them.

When you sat down, your phone vibrated: It was a collegue telling you to check on his work with a link. You sighed and moved to click on it, when Sho crouched in front of you. He pushed your phone closed, watching you with his cat like eyes.

"Eyes on me Babe." You looked back into his eyes, almost hypnotised. Sho took that opportunity to put your phone on silent and put it in your pocket.
He pushed the swing before you could protest and the night breeze flew over your face, taking away some of your built up stress.

"Stressful day?" Sho inquired at one point when the swing came close to him.

"Yeah..." You sighed, closing your eyes.

"Well you're going to love what I've got planned for us tonight." You could hear the smile in Sho's voice.

"I look forward to it." you smiled at him when the swing came close to him again.

He pushed you higher then went to swing next to you.
Then you played on the roundabout before deciding to finally take that walk to get rid of the dizziness.

You walked around the park, swinging hands before leaving it and taking a path home that passed by the shop because Sho needed to buy some things for his dinner plans.

You wondered around the shop behind him to not ruin his surprise, checking out new products while he carefully picked his ingredients.

While he paid for his things, you chose to wait outside on a bench because your feet were starting to feel sore.

"All done, let's go." Sho came out and streched out his hand for you. You reached for it, but a sudden pain in your foot made you freeze. Your feet had betrayed you after hours of standing in new shoes. You took off your shoe to rub your foot, willing it to endure it a bit longer.

"Are they hurting?" Sho asked worriedly shifting to make himself a pillar to lean against.

"A bit. I can make it home though." You put your foot back in the shoe and leaned off him, ready to walk again but he crouched in front of you.

"I'll give you a ride home." Sho looked over his shoulder at you.

"Are you sure about that? You're also holding the shopping bags." He looked at them and snorted.

"This is nothing. Come on, get on!" He wiggled his fingers to encourage you.

"Well...if you insist, I guess I'll take up your offer!" You climbed on his back and hugged his neck comfortably.

He stood up "Are you good?" You nodded "Then let's go!"

You snuggled closer and chatted with Sho while he carried you home.

When you reached the front door, he put you down to let you look for your keys and stretched his coat out over you to keep you warm while you looked in your handbag.

When you opened the door, Sho took of his shoes immediately and shuffled into your kitchen to drop off the groceries. You took off your shoes and walked gingerly to your bedroom to get changed, but you lost all your energy after taking off your coat, so you just ended up lying flat on your bed staring at the ceiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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