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Gen's Pov
Summer had rolled around and we were at out of school.

Home felt off. Except my siblings of course. But mum and dad were acting off.

My mom would stare off into space while she'd cook or clean.

Sometimes I'd see her wipe her eyes and act all normal if I were to present myself in the room.

I couldn't bring myself to ask her what was up with her.

She wasn't the type to tell really.

My father had become more stern and a workaholic.

"Lucius trial is coming up" my father had mentioned out loud during dinner once.

"Will you show up?" My mother said without looking up.

"I don't really have a choice" he replied while he rubbed his forehead in stress.

That's another thing.

I vividly remember when Draco had promised me he'd write to me over the summer.

He didn't seem like the type to. But he promised. Yet nothing.

Same with Enzo, and it had me worried. Enzo would always write to me, but both were silent.

Not a single letter..

Draco held me tightly as he gently kissed me as we were out of the train.

"I'll write to you, to keep you updated" he grinned at me and continued to kiss me.

"Will you dirty love birds stop? It's not making my decision of staying single any better" Blaise groaned in disgust.

Draco and I smiled at each other at Blaise's comment

"I truly enjoy it. Malfoy has finally gotten soft and isn't so mean" Enzo leaned on Blaise's shoulder admiring us.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Do you actually promise Draco?"

He raised an eyebrow "About writing back?" I continued

"You don't have to if you don't want to." He smiled at me and caressed my face.

"Yes Darling, I'll write to you"

"It's a promise"

He gave me a gentle last kiss.

Maybe something happened at home? I'd had to totally forgotten that Bellatrix was going to be there.

That sort of sounds like a reason, not a specific one but still a reason.

It was more strange for Enzo not to send or reply back to my own letters.

Maybe he was busy too?

"Aurora. I'll be going to Uncle Francis home after dinner, please finish and get ready if you'd like to come"

My father interrupted my train of thought. I simply nodded.

My mum gave me a glance and just continued eating.

"Genny, why has mummy and daddy been acting weird?" Deza had followed me up to my room.

"I'm not sure love, I'm assuming it's adult stuff though."

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