Chapter 12

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"Sorry," Riley said.

She turned to look out the window and watch her boyfriend Cooper walk away.

"Oh no don't worry about it," I quickly said.

She let out a deep breath and turned back around to face me.

"So that's your boy - " I started, but Riley cut me off.

"I know," she said shaking her head. "It's a little complicated right now."

"Hey no judgment here, just making sure you're okay," I said.

Riley looked at me with a warm smile and nodded, "I am, thank you."

She walked over to the couch and sat down with her cup of coffee in hand.

"He's not always like that," Riley said with a a sigh.

I poured myself a cup and walked over to join her on the couch.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," I said to her.

She shrugged, "it's okay, you'll probably be seeing him around with me living here."

Great, I thought. Riley looked over at me to see how I would react to what she'd just said, so I tried to hide my annoyance.

"That's fine, we'll deal with him," I said, "or maybe we just won't answer the door next time."

"Sometimes that might be a good idea," she said with a laugh.

"So do you - I mean are you dating anyone?" Riley continued.

I shook my head, "nope, single and ready to mingle over here."

I met Riley's gaze when I said this and I noticed her smile and watched her cheeks flush red.

Hmm, very interesting, I thought.

Riley looked down and cleared her throat, "I'm going to go shower, I'll be back."

She quickly got up and walked down the hallway towards the bathroom, leaving me sitting on the couch.

If only I could go join her in the shower. Okay I have to stop daydreaming about this shit.

I tried to keep telling myself that she had a boyfriend (no matter how much of an ass he seemed to be,) and that she just went through a "phase" with girls...but it wasn't that easy.

I finished my coffee and set my mug down on the counter. I walked back towards my bedroom to go and change for the day.

My door was right by the bathroom, and when I was almost back to it, the bathroom door opened. Riley stepped out and almost ran into me.

"Oh! Sorry!" She said.

I had put my hands on her shoulders to stop her from running into me and realized they were on bare skin. I glanced down and saw that all Riley had on was a small towel.

"Shit, sorry about that," I said.

I was trying not to let my eyes linger too much when I noticed my hands were still on her shoulders.

I quickly took them off and awkwardly put them down at my side.

"I'm gonna -" I pointed to my door and Riley nodded as I quickly stepped into my room.

Fuck I needed to stop making such an ass of myself or Riley was going to move out by the end of the week.

I changed my clothes and then sat on my bed and called Cas.

"Cas this girl is going to think I'm such an idiot," I said as soon as she answered.

"Okay hi Soph, calm down," she said with a laugh.

"Well it's true," I said, "she turns me into an awkward mess half the time."

"Wow I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone do that to you, I'm gonna have to meet this girl," Cas said sarcastically.

"Let me see how long it takes me to convince her that I'm not a complete weirdo and then we can talk," I said.

Cas laughed on the other end of the phone, "oh come on it can't be that bad."

"I'm pretty sure it is," I responded. "Oh yeah I also met her boyfriend this morning," I lowered my voice to make sure Riley couldn't hear me in her room. "He seems like a real winner."

"Well that would make sense since he kicked her out," Cas said.

"Yeah he literally showed up at my door drunk off his ass at like 10:00 this morning."

"Oh yikes," Cas responded.

"Mhmm, acted like he didn't remember ever kicking the poor girl out."

"Damn...that does sound bad," Cas started, "seems like a messy situation just like someone told you it would be."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said. "I'll deal with it, seems like she needs out of the relationship. Maybe I can help encourage her if you know what I mean."

Cas laughed again before responding, "you're terrible."

"Just trying to help a friend out!" I quickly said, "but in all seriousness, the guy does seem pretty terrible."

"Well maybe once you stop acting like an idiot around her you can help her out," Cas said.

"Very funny," I said back, "but you're probably right. Anyway I better get going, I'll keep you updated on everything."

"Alright, later Soph."

Later that week, things had thankfully gotten less awkward between Riley and I. She seemed to have forgotten about our little encounter outside of the bathroom...and thank god for that.

We had been getting along well and getting to know each other, and luckily there had been no other Cooper sightings.

I knew that they'd been talking, I had heard a few arguments over the phone that Riley had tried to hide. I tried not to eavesdrop but usually I could hear her irritated voice in her room at night.

One morning after I had heard a particularly bad fight the night before, I decided to try and do something to cheer Riley up.

"Hey I want you to meet my best friend and her...well I don't think it's technically her girlfriend, but basically," I said to Riley.

Riley grinned before saying, "sure, what are you thinking?"

"I'm going to see if they want to go for dinner and drinks tonight, sound okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," Riley said, "sounds fun."

"Perfect," I said with a smile.

That night we got to the restaurant to meet Jamie and Cas for dinner and drinks. It looked like we were there first, so we went and sat down at the table I'd called to reserve.

Right after we sat down, I saw them walk in and come towards our table.

"Hey guys!" I said.

Riley had her back turned to them, and she turned around as I said, "this is my roommate -"

Before I could finish the introduction, I saw a weird look on Jamie's face as she cut me off and said, "Riley??"


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