7. madhav and his parth.

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Arjun entered Krishna's chambers to find him staring out of the window, lost in thoughts. He had come to greet Krishna properly, to honor him with the respect he deserved. He was no ordinary being, that was pretty sure to Arjun. He wanted to thank him for having graced their household with his divine presence.

And as if Krishna had noticed him there, he turned around, a cheerful smile on his face. "Parth," he exclaimed, and Arjun was taken aback. With no further wait, Arjun folded his hands and bowed so low in front of Krishna, who had not expected this reaction from his priye Parth.

"Pranipat," Arjun continued. "We're honored that the Lord of the universe, Shri Hari himself, had graced our household and blessed us with the touch of your divine feet. Bless this humble being, oh Lord..."

Arjun felt tears surface at the corners of his eyes. He blinked them back as he got up to see Krishna's reaction. He had expected a wide smile on the latter's face, but Krishna's expressions were unreadable. His beautiful smile had vanished and was replaced by seriousness.

"Did I do something wrong that hurt the Lord?" Arjun thought.

"Parth, aren't we friends anymore? Did I do something that disappointed you so much that you decided to do this to me?"

Arjun blinked. What was going on? Yes, he had promised Krishna that they'd be the best of friends, just today morning before his revelation. But after Krishna's secret was out, Arjun was horrified, or rather felt like, why would the Lord make him his friend? What were the qualities in him that made the Lord of this universe choose him to be his companion, his friend?

"I am on earth, not just to establish dharma. I wanted to know the way of friendship, the way it would all be like with a best friend, how it would all be like when we enjoyed, played, ate together. And after knowing who truly I am, you just, leave me, Parth? You don't know, our bond is something that has been there since eternity. Do you want to end it right here, Parth?"

Somehow, Arjun felt his heart breaking into millions. He didn't mean to break their friendship, honestly. He wanted to thank him formally, and his mind just refused to believe the Lord was his friend.

He didn't know what to say or what was to be done. He gulped hard as he saw something glisten in Krishna's eyes. He, without another second, ran and hugged him, burying his head into Krishna's chest.

"Sorry, Madhav. I-I just... I mean, my mind just refused to accept that you, who are the Lord of the universe, accepted me, a mortal being, to be your friend, your soulmate."

He still remembered that moment when Krishna had asked him to be his best friend. Somehow, Arjun was so in love with Krishna's soul. He was in love with Krishna's character, his views on different things, his calm aura... everything. He knew none but Krishna would forever be his best friend. But after the revelation, he didn't know what had taken over him. He too, never felt like leaving Krishna alone. He felt they both would need each other in this journey of life.

"Oh, really, Parth? Am I not a mortal? Am I not a human on earth, in flesh and blood? So, think of me thus. Lord of the universe and all that, second thing. The first thing is that you were, are, and will be my best, my priye sakha, like Mahadev for eternity."

Krishna's words brought tears to Arjun's eyes. He hugged Madhav as a thought struck him.

"Wait, so Mahadev is also your sakha?" Krishna laughed.

"Mahadev is not only my sakha, he is my param bhakta, my param aaradhya, and my lovely sakha. You, Arjun, are different. You are a part of my soul, a piece of my soul. If Mahadev owns my heart and soul, you are a piece of both my heart and my soul."

Krishna said and smiled at Arjun, who was so moved by Krishna's sweet words. "I'll always be your friend, Madhav. I'll never consider you god. I'll see you as one among us, just somewhat unique than all other beings. Would you show me your powers someday, Madhav?" Arjuna asked. His voice was as innocent, and his eyes sparkled with a child's innocence.

Krishna smiled and nodded his head, hugging his Parth close to his heart.

"My Madhav," Arjun said as he patted Krishna's back. "My Parth."

"Madhavvv. My hair. I don't know how long I took to set them right. I'm not like Nakul, you know?" He said and chased Madhav all over the room.

Both the best friends cherished their moments together. Both were happy and satisfied with whatever moments they got...



a/n. felt like writing this up. How is the beginning of our madhavparth's friendship?

do ENJOY**((***


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