Chapter 2: Thanks A Lot

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The brisk morning breeze swept through his hair as Joseph pulled the door open. The soft greens and luscious reds of the fire lily flower beds surrounding the garden complemented its serene natural beauty. The crisp blue sky, dotted with sparse clouds filled with wild birds as they scurried to the sky, hearing Joseph and Kameron's footsteps walking towards the garden hut where Keviar inconspicuously hid on the roof.

"Oh, I didn't know he was out here," Joseph said, as he spotted Rafael, dusting his knees off as he got up in front of the shrine in the distance.

"Should we come back or something?" Joseph asked as Kam noticed him.

"I think he's done," she replied as they continued on their way to the hut.

"Hey, Raf!" She yelped out.

He methodically turned his head towards them, his eyes completely encased by the hair aimlessly hanging in front of them.

"Hey," he replied dryly his words barely reaching their ears. 

"You think he'll wanna talk?" Joseph asked as he nervously followed Kameron up to him.

"We'll see," She said softly.

"Good morning," she yelped again as he started walking towards them.

"Yeah I guess," he replied as they all met in the middle, under the hut. "Good morning."

"Off to do your workout then?" She asked as Joseph stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah," he answered dryly.

"Why so dry today?" She asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Just tired," he said.

"You're still getting the dreams too," Joseph whispered under his breath, startling himself as he said it out loud.

"Yeah," Rafael replied.

"Oh," Joseph said shyly.

"I'm going now," he said as the morning breeze flittered through his hair.

"Don't you wanna stay and talk?" Kameron urged as he made his way back to the palace, exiting the hut. "We can pick some flowers or something, they look extra pretty today, right?" She continued, nudging Joseph with her elbow.

"Yeah, the flowers look great today," he replied, cautiously.

"GOTCHA!" Keviar screamed as he sprung into action, dumping an entire bag of flour over the edge of the roof. The white powder fell with a thud, pouring over Rafael's head as he stepped out. 

"Raf?" Kev said puzzled, as he looked down to see Rafael coated head to toe in flour. He stood in eerie silence as remnants of the flour sifted through the air. Everyone stood silent waiting for him to say something.

"Raf, I'm so sorry!" Kev yelped as he plopped down to the ground. His face was riddled with regret as his eyes scanned the flour-coated ground, with Rafael simply standing there, breathing loudly.

"Thanks a lot," he said finally breaking the silence. 

"Raf, I had no idea...I mean I did but I didn't know that..." Kameron muttered, rushing over to him, and swiping flour off of his shoulders. 

"Joseph gave me the cue and I thought you were in position, I didn't know," Kev said, fumbling over his words as he helped Kameron blow the flour out of Rafael's hair.

"It's fine," he said, slowly blinking as he stared at the ground. "I'm going now," he sighed, walking towards the palace leaving a trail of flour in his wake. 

"You told me to drop the flour!" Kev yelped as Rafael disappeared through the door.

"Me?!" Jospep yelped back.

The Protectors: Book 2: A Crumbling NationWhere stories live. Discover now