Chapter 15

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"Take a shot." Mark said handing me the filled cup.
"I really don't want to." I whined.
"You either drink or tell us the last person you had sex with." Jessi said. I shot daggers at her but it only made her laugh. I took the glass from Mark and swallowed the burning clear liquid. It was none of their business who I was sleeping with. Especially with Sehun's constant glances my way. Part of me was tempted to answer just to see his reaction. "Brooke, you really suck at this. You need to give us something before you end up completely wasted. And the night just started." Jessi said. I shrugged, not really caring. My lips were zipped. Anything I said would just draw out more questions and I wasn't willing to share. The stupid cards kept hitting me with "who was the last person you had a crush on", "who was the last person you gave a BJ to", "how many times this week did you have sex" while everyone else were getting more tame ones like "show the last picture on your phone", "take three shots or twerk on the person to your right", and "name five celebs you would sleep with". I would have rather gotten those but instead, I was taking shots left and right. I noticed how my not answering the questions were making a certain someone uncomfortable and the others very suspicious.
"Brooke, who are you hiding from us?" Jackson asked. I sipped on my water and kept quiet.
"Brooke has a boyfriend?" Mark nearly shrieked. I rolled my eyes at him and the others laughed. "The way you're avoiding these questions makes it seem that way."
"Whose turn is it?" I said, moving on.
"Mine." Jongin picked up a card but before he could read it, there was a knock on the door. "Be right back." He hopped up and went to answer it. At that moment, my gaze met Sehun's. He was sitting on the floor, diagonal from me. I didn't back down. He looked away shyly. I almost declined coming but it had been too long since I hung out with everyone and Jongin and Jessi made sure to constantly remind me, so I gave in. The fact that this gathering was being held at Jongin's apartment, I knew Sehun would be present since they lived together, but I decided to not run this time. There was nothing he could say to me and there was nothing I wanted to say to him. It was clear where we stood and I almost dared him to say something to me so I could lash out.

"Make room, I'm heeeere." Record scratch. Nails on the chalkboard. Tire screech. My eyes closed and I clenched my jaw on reflex. I heard a low "oh" from Mark and silence from the rest. "I brought more liquor." When I opened my eyes, she was making her way around the room, dishing out hugs. She obviously skipped over me and squeezed herself on the other side of Mark on the couch that we were sharing. I caught Jongin's apologetic gaze as he returned to his seat. "What are we playing?"
"Do or Drink." Mark said. "It's Nini's turn." Everyone focused back on him as he read his card. I zoned out completely. My heart was thumping like a bass drum. I steadily sipped on my water and tried to keep my breathing leveled. I had too many shots. I was already standing at the cliff. I knew that it would only take a few words for me to take that leap. I knew how Danielle got when she was tipsy as well. It wouldn't take her long to shove. There was a discreet tap on my foot and I looked up to see Jessi raise an eyebrow at me. It was her way of asking if I was okay. I nodded, not knowing the fuse was about to be lit.
"This game is too tame. We should play "never have I ever" instead." Danielle suggested.
"That game is so overplayed." Jessi groaned.
"It's way better than this. The questions are way too general." She argued.
"That's the point." Mark said with a chuckle.
"Let's do lightning rounds. Only five fingers and if you're out, you take a shot." She offered.
"We can do one lightning round then take a break because some of us already drank too much and need food." Jessi said.
"Next time invite me from the beginning and I wouldn't have to catch up." Danielle shot back.
"Who's first?" Jackson interjected.
"Me." Danielle straightened up. "Never have I ever had a friends with benefits with someone I had a crush on that didn't like me back."
"Not even ten fucking minutes." I groaned loudly.
"Is someone speaking?" And there it was.
"Yo, what the fuck is your problem? For real?" I had enough.
"I don't have a problem."
"Obviously you do so why don't you just say it instead of acting like you're in fucking high school." I fumed.
"How about we take that break now." Mark tried to block off our access to each other, but we were still throwing icy glares at each other.
"I don't think you want me to do that."
"You've been doing it already so what's the difference now?" I challenged. "I admit I was mad when we first had our argument because the way you came at me made me feel some type of way, and I was cool if you didn't want to speak to me anymore because you clearly also had your own feelings about it, but instead of coming to talk to me if you were really feeling a way, you decide to be a passive aggressive bitch and start spreading my business around."
"Who the fuck are you calling a bitch?" She was on her feet now.
"Who else?" I sprung up and Mark quickly followed.
"Guys, chill." Jongin said, quickly coming over. Jessi came to wedge herself between us as well.
"You started running your mouth about Sehun then you decided to jump over the fucking line and tell him my personal business. What gave you the right to do that?" I tried to step closer but they held me back. "On what planet did you think that was okay? Of all people, you tell him knowing me and him aren't on speaking terms. If I didn't even want to tell you what makes you think I would tell other people?"
"Maybe if you just told me none of this would have happened in the first place."
"Danielle it was none of your damn business!"
"Don't start getting loud with me."
"That was personal. That shit was hard for me and you think just because you and me fell out that it becomes everyone else's business? Just to spite me? Did that make you feel better about yourself?"
"Stop turning this back on me. I was trying to be a good friend." The audacity of her trying to play victim.
"If you were trying to be a good friend you would have understood why I didn't want to tell anyone and be there for me and not start telling everyone and their fucking third cousin my business." The rage swept through me like wildfire. My entire body was shaking. I didn't realize I was lunging for Danielle until I felt Mark's hold on me tighten. "I'm telling you right now Danielle, stay the hell away from me and keep my business out of your mouth."
"Or what?" She crossed her arms. I snapped and chaos ensued. I jumped for Danielle, trying to get through Mark and Jongin but they practically tackled me back, keeping me far from my target which only frustrated me more because she was still running her mouth. Jessi was in her face and I don't know if she was cursing her out or trying to calm her down. I was too focused on calling Danielle every name in the book while trying to free myself from Jongin and Mark's grasp. They were trying to tell me to calm down but I was not listening.
"-really from the bottom of my heart, fuck you Danielle!" I growled. "Get off me." I yanked away from the two men and grabbed my bag before storming out of the apartment.
"Brooke, wait up." Jongin called after me. My phone was out and I was ordering a ride. "Are you okay?" He asked, catching up to me.
"No Jongin." I answered bluntly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't invite her purposely but then they slipped it in the group chat so she invited herself-."
"I don't care." I shoved the steel door open and was embraced by the bone chilling cold. I would have regretted having only bringing my leather jacket rather than my larger coat if my blood wasn't the same temperature as fresh lava.
"It wasn't intentional-."
"Jongin, stop." I faced him. "I really don't care." I saw his face crumble but I wasn't right in my mind enough to feel bad. Instead of going back inside, he stood silently beside me. He only had a sweater on. I wished he would just go back inside but I had to clench my jaw tightly before I said something I would regret. Finally, my ride pulled up and I hopped in without saying a word to Jongin or even looking his way.

I received multiple texts from Jessi but I ignored her. I didn't want to think about it. I honestly wasn't shocked by Danielle's behavior. It was the reason I avoided her. I was more so surprised by how little she had to say. But of course she wouldn't have anything to say other than cursing at me because she was far in the wrong. I closed my eyes and relaxed against the headrest of the car and tried to calm my rapidly beating heart. My body was still burning with rage and I could feel a headache starting. Only a few more minutes and I would be back in my apartment. I knew I should have just stayed in.

From: Unknown [23:17]
Any chance you're up?

I stared at my screen before locking it and taking a deep breath. I shouldn't. I really, really shouldn't. I should just get back to my place, clean my makeup off, and go to bed. I wasn't in the mood which was odd considering the last time Sehun pissed me off I called him right over. I...

To: Unknown [23:20]
Come over

The numerous shots I took was definitely getting to my head. The adrenaline from what happened was still running through me so why the hell not?

I thanked the driver as I hopped out of the car and walked up to my apartment. I kicked off my shoes and threw my jacket and purse aside, flopping down on the couch to wait. It only took about fifteen minutes before he was knocking at my door. Something didn't feel right. When I opened the door for him, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Were you going somewhere?" He asked, stepping in.
"If I were, why would I tell you to come over?" It sounded a bit more harsh than I intended but he seemed to brush it off.
"So...?" He prompted. I walked toward my living room. He closed the door and followed.
"Coming from a friends place." I sat him down and straddled him.
"Are you okay?" For some reason, that question felt like someone ripping off a wax peel from an extremely hairy leg. The type of pain that makes you stop breathing for a second. I became uneasy.
"Fine." I kissed him so he wouldn't ask any more stupid questions. It worked. He easily fell into the kiss. Normally, kissing him would make my body vibrate and crave more. He was such a good kisser. But tonight...something didn't feel right.

I started to grind against him, hoping it was just all in my head and I really just needed something to take my mind off the situation that occurred earlier. It felt nice, but that was about it. I wasn't getting the usual build up. I kissed him harder and he matched my energy. His hands started to roam under my shirt. I shivered at the feel of his cold hands, but he didn't stop. Soon, his icy touch melted into warmth. As if a flame had just been ignited. He moved down to my neck and started to kiss and suck. I pulled on his jacket to help him out of it. He followed my lead and tossed the jacket aside before laying me on the couch and leaning over me, connecting our lips again. I tried to get into it. I really did. But I just couldn't.
"Stop." I said, pulling away from him. He sat up immediately and looked at me with question in his eyes. I sat up as well and he moved so he was seated beside me and not on top of me. "I'm sorry. I just...I can't tonight. I'm sorry for making you come all the way over here." I couldn't look at him. I felt myself shrinking, waiting for the backlash. The frustration and attitude. That always happened. He was a hook up. Sneaky link. Cuddle buddy. Calling him over was for one purpose only and here I was getting him all excited for nothing. Not to mention him having to drive all the way to me. Gas was expensive. The guilt was creeping in.
"That's okay." He sounded way too nonchalant. I peeked over at him and there wasn't a hint of anger or irritation on his face. He looked just how he sounded. As if it were no big deal. "Guess what I watched last night?" There was a mischievous look on his face now. I was too stunned to speak. "Benny and Sam."
"W-what?" My brain was still trying to catch up.
"After we were talking about it the other night, I found it online and bought every season." The joy in his eyes made me giggle. I felt the haze in my head clearing. "Wanna watch?"
"Sure." He smiled and took my remote to set it up. He went on explaining how excited he was to watch and how many memories it brought up. The kid in him was shining through and that made me feel warm inside. I was suddenly craving pizza. "Are you hungry?"

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