Neglecting Mother x Male reader 2/3

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3rd P.O.V.

3 years later...

It has been 3 years since Y/n left for college and never came back home. During the first year, M/n has been trying her best to contact Y/n to apologize and ask for a second chance but was blocked by him. So, she tried asking her neighbors for help but they refused since they all know what she did to Y/n over the years.

The neighbors told M/n, they had to look after HER son, the best they can so he can become independent. And how she was a terrible mother for neglecting her own son for some man she met on the street or something. This only made M/n guilt get worse as she realizes how much she was ignoring her own son's life that other people had to step in for her to be a parent figure.

In the second year, she heard rumors that her son started dating a girl from the same school he's going to. This made her upset because she was concerned about her son's feelings getting hurt by this girl. However, M/n knows she has no right to get involved with her son's love life after she never made time for him except her ex.

Her guilt grew even worse as the third year went by as she learned that her son is close to graduating and only has a year left at school. She desperately tries to find some way to get in contact with him but no matter what she tries to do no one is willing to help her.

M/n: What do I do...? Three years have already passed, and I still can't get in contact with my son. If I don't find him soon, I'm going to miss his graduation ceremony or the chance to bond with him. But even if I do find out where he is, how would I approach him, it is obvious he still wants nothing to do with me. I wish I could take it all back...


M/n gets a message on her phone as she immediately checks who it is, hoping it was Y/n.

M/n: Not Him.

But it wasn't instead it was her ex boyfriend, who she broke up with three years ago after she caught him cheating on her. She couldn't believe it after all this time, he decided to contact her after what he told M/n the reason he was dating her in the first place was for the money.

M/n: What does he want? Hasn't he ruined my life enough already by making me neglect my own son from my life.

Then her phone started ringing as she groaned in frustration and decided to answer him to get this over with.

Phone Call...

Ex Boyfriend: Hey, babe~

M/n: Don't you fucking dare call me that! You piece of shit!

Ex Boyfriend: Whoa, what's with that attitude? Don't you miss me?

M/n: Miss you? I fucking despise you for what you did to me!

Ex Boyfriend: Look I'm sorry for cheating on you, ok. That chick doesn't mean anything to me, she was just a fling.

M/n: I don't care if you cheated on me! Ex

Boyfriend: Then why are you so mad? M/n: You ruined my life! You ruined everything!

Ex Boyfriend: I have no idea, what you're talking about?

M/n: My son! You ruined my relationship with my son because you made me ignore him the whole time I was with you.

Ex Boyfriend: How is that my fault? Besides, wasn't it fun not having that brat of yours bothering you from having fun.

M/n: Shut up! It was wrong of me to ignore him, I didn't know what I was thinking at that time. I regret it all when I finally realized how much time has passed and how much I wasted not spending it with my son. Now, he's in college and I can't get in contact with him.

Ex Boyfriend: So, your son is out of the house... Great! That means you have the house to call yourself so why don't I meet you at your place later.

M/n: What did you say? You're joking right...

Ex Boyfriend: I'm not joking! You're finally free from him so nothing is tying you down anymore. So, like I said before I'll meet you-

M/n: Shut the hell up!

Ex Boyfriend: Babe-

M/n: Stop calling me, "Babe" we're not together. And what makes you think I want anything to do with someone pathetic as you. You did nothing but destroy my life and I know the reason why you're calling me after all this time is because that slut left your ass when she realized how worthless of a man you are to her. So, you decided to come crawling back to me for help. But guess what I want nothing to do with you and you better not call this number again or I will fucking kill you!

End of Phone Call...

After ending that call with her ex, she threw her phone in frustration. Which accidentally hit a picture frame causing it to fall to the ground and loud glass shattering was heard as she panicked.

M/n: Oh no!

She rushes toward the shattering glass as she picks up the picture frame from the floor. Then turning it around only to cry when she saw it was a photo of her and Y/n.

It was when he entered kindergarten, and he was scared to go alone so M/n enter the school with him while holding his hand as Y/n's father took a picture of them together.

M/n: Why did I neglect him after his father died... he needed me, and I just ignored him... Please... Please, let this all be a terrible dream.

M/n held the picture frame close to her chest, crying to herself of the regret and guilt she created for herself because of her selfish actions.

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