Cheating/Neglectful GF x Male Reader

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3rd P.O.V.

It has been 2 years since Y/n ask out Lisa on a date leading to them becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. During the first year of them dating is was going great for them no problems, arguments, or disagreements.

It was only their second year of being together is when thing started going downhill for them. Lisa is known to be a hard worker at her parent company that they own. When Y/n and Lisa graduate from college, her parents hired her at their company while Y/n took a job at a bookstore. They live in an apartment together that they're renting as a couple.

On the first month they started living together it was ok but when months went by they're relationship started to strain. Lisa started becoming distant to Y/n as she spend more time at work than with him. This made him feel alone at times but he put up with it for her sake because he knows his girlfriend is working hard to keep her parent's company running smoothly.

However, it doesn't change the fact this is causing harmful affects to their relationship leading to Y/n feeling neglected by her whenever he tries ask her out on date or at least asking to spend time with her but it was always the same response. She says she doesn't have time, she's busy, or too tired from work. So, one day Y/n decided to give Lisa a visit at her work place to have a talk with her about their relationship.

Y/n P.O.V.

It already been 2 years now since me and Lisa started dating. Everything was going fine at first but after she started working at this company, she became more distant with me.

I don't have a problem with her working late or anything. It just I'm concern about our future together if we're going to make this work. After arriving at the company building, I make my way toward the front desk.

Y/n: Hello, my name is Y/n L/n.

Lady: Hello sir! And what is your business here?

Y/n: I came to see my girlfriend, Lisa. She the daughter of this company that her parents own.

Lady: Ms. Lisa... I believe she in a meeting in her office right now but I can direct you to her office while you wait outside. Will that be ok?

Y/n: Yes, please.

The receptionist then escort me to Lisa office as I have flashbacks from the past when Lisa started becoming cold to me.


It was the weekend where I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for me and Lisa. While I was cooking, I heard Lisa coming from the bedroom.

Y/n: Lisa is that you? I'm making breakfast for us.

She didn't respond but instead I saw her coming out of room wearing her work uniform.

Lisa: I'll be back...

Y/n: Are you going to work?

Lisa: I have a business meeting today so I'm going to be home late.

Y/n: Again? It's the weekend can't you skip it just for today.

Lisa: I can't, Y/n. This meeting is very important and I need to be there.

Y/n: But we haven't spend anytime together as a couple since you started working there. I'm sure your parents would understand if you asked them.

Lisa: No, Y/n! Stop asking me! I swear you're so needy sometimes.

Y/n: I'm just concerned about our relationship.

Lisa: Whatever! You put me in a bad mood! Don't make any dinner for me tonight, I won't be home after you made me this upset.

And like that, Lisa left the apartment in a huff leaving me alone to eat by myself while feeling saddened and heartbroken by how much she changed.

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