Neglecting Mother x Male reader 3/3

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3rd P.O.V.

Few Months later...

After searching for months on end, M/n managed to find Y/n's school before graduation. She was both excited and nervous because even though she was excited to find the school where her son is attending so she can see him again. But being more nervous when she sees him is what got her worried. M/n knows that Y/n told her to stay away from him and his life, but she couldn't miss this chance to see her son graduate.

And she deeply, DEEPLY wants to make things right between them. So, taking a moment to herself to compose herself and build her courage. M/n step out of her car and make her way towards the front entrance of the school. Looking around the school, she saw how big and spacious the school is can't believe her son goes to this school. As she sees many students walking around going to class or hanging around in the hallways studying.

M/n: So, this is where my son goes to school... I never knew he was so smart, he got accepted here. I'm such a horrible mother...

???: Excuse me, ma'am?

M/n: Huh?

M/n spots the front desk where a lady is calling out to her as she makes her way.

Front desk lady: Is there something you need?

M/n: I'm looking for my son, Y/n. First name Y/n, last name L/n.

Front desk lady: Give me a moment... found him! He staying at the college dorms in building A. Room, #25

M/n: Thank you! Umm... which way is it?

Front desk lady: Keep going straight from here and take a left. You'll be able to see the two buildings separating the boy and girls, the boys side is on the right. You can't miss it.

So, following the instructions she was given by the front desk. M/n went out of the building and took a left where she spotted two buildings.

M/n: This is it...

Making her way inside the building, she goes through floor to floor until finding room #25. As she stands in front of the door, she starts getting nervous on the spot.

M/n: *thought* Why am I getting nervous? This is my son, who I am going to speak to. Maybe it is because he told me to my face that he doesn't see me as his mother anymore. But I still want to make things right with him. And I don't want to miss his graduation ceremony.

After a few minutes to herself, she knocks on the door as she waits patiently and desperately until she hears the door open.

Y/n: Hello?

M/n: Hi, so-

Y/n was about to close the door immediately, but M/n stopped him by grabbing the edge of the door, preventing him from closing on her.

M/n: Please hear me out!

Y/n: Why? There's no point in talking with you. You're not my mother anymore, you haven't been for a long time.

M/n: Y/n, please I'm extremely sorry for everything I did! But can we at least talk this out properly, I want to make things right between us.

Y/n: How? You barely knew what I even liked before I left and how did you find me anyway.

M/n: It took me three years to find out where you are and what school you 're attending. I even asked our neighbors if they knew where you went but...

Y/n: They refuse to help and told you everything from how they helped raise me to become independent for myself.

M/n: Yes... I didn't know how much I've been neglecting this whole time and I'm sorry for it.

Y/n: Yeah, but saying sorry won't cut it. Besides, it's too late for you to make a connection with me. It's already been 12 years and I'm already a grown adult, so I see no point in making a connection with you.

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