(Star Trek Oc, #2)

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Name: Alessandro De Luca

~Aless (by everyone, except for Spock, and Scotty)
~Al (by everyone, except for Spock)
~Sandro (by everyone, except for Spock)
~Alex (by everyone, and sometimes by Spock)
~Alexis (by family)
~Alexander (by family)
~De Luca (by most people when being formal, but mainly gets called De Luca, by Spock)
~Lieutenant commander Alessandro De Luca / Lieutenant commander De Luca (by most people when being formal)
~Dear, My love, love, handsome (by his wife)
~Dad (by his kids)

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: Italian

Love Interest: His wife Miameni Drai

Personality: Alessandro is known as a very hard-working, and kind man. He caring towards his loved ones (family, friends), and is protective over them, especially his wife, and kids. Speaking of which, he's fatherly. He may be a little strict at times, but he isn't mean. He'll be nice to you, if your nice to him, however if your being mean or rude towards his friends and or family, he won't be nice to you. He's ambitious, and it does show. Not many people know it, but he's actually a huge art lover. If you visit him in his quarters, you'll definitely see a lot of drawings, and sketches that he's done. Definitely loyal, as well as reliable, he'll never betray his friends and family, that also includes all the crew members onboard the Enterprise.

~Lorenzo De Luca - Father - Alive
~Emilia De Luca (Née Rossi) - Mother - Alive
~Bianca De Luca - Younger sister - Alive
~Camilla De Luca - Younger sister - Alive
~Okres Drai - Father-in-law - Deceased
~Neavrixa Drai - Mother-in-law - Deceased
~Ekul Drai - Brother-in-law - Missing / Later found alive
~Miameni Drai - Wife - Alive
~Neavrixa Drai-De Luca - Daughter - Alive
~Sienna Drai-De Luca - Daughter - Alive
~Okres Drai II - Son - Alive
~Marcello De Luca - Grandfather - Deceased
~Sienna De Luca - Grandmother - Deceased



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Division (Command, Science, or Operations): Science

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Division (Command, Science, or Operations): Science

Rank: Lieutenant commander

Weapons: A phaser

Occupation: Science officer

~Drawing / Doing sketches
~Working out

Backstory: Alessandro was born, and grew up in Verona, Italy with his father and mother, as well as his two younger sisters. Both of his parents were starfleet officers, which was how they first met each other. However, they both left when Alessandro's mother, Emilia found out she was pregnant with her second and third kids (twins). His father, Lorenzo was rank Commander, and in the Operations Division as an Engineer officer, while his mother, Emilia was rank Lieutenant commander, and in the Command division, as an Helmsman (pilot/flight control officer), before they both left. Nine months later, Alessandro's twin sisters, Bianca and Camilla were born. When Alessandro was old enough, he went to Starfleet Academy, wanting to be like his parents, and also see space. While at Starfleet Academy, he met Miameni Drai, his future wife. Alessandro graduated the academy, and became a science officer on the ship, USS Enterprise. Story continues from there..... (Might mention more in the roleplay)

Extra info:
~Alessandro and his wife were both assigned to the USS Enterprise
~Alessandro can fluently speak in Klingon, Vulcan, and Romulan, but is also semi-fluent in Bajoran
~Alessandro's wife Miameni is a Betazoid
~Him and his wife have decided to name their kids after some of their family: their daughter Neavrixa and their son Okres are named after Miameni's Father and mother, while their daughter Sienna is named after Alessandro's grandmother
~His younger sisters are both currently in Starfleet Academy, his sister Bianca wants to be in the Operations division, as an Engineer officer, while his other sister Camilla wants to be in the Science division, as an Medical officer
~He's gotten told that he kinda acts a little like McCoy

"Kirk... That's crazy"

"Lieutenant commander Alessandro De Luca, nice to meet you. Welcome aboard the USS Enterprise"

"You never asked"


"Do you need something?"

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