Saving Grace Chapter 2

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You and Crowley had technically been seeing each other for two months. Things had just been so busy in the hunting world, that the two of you were only able to sneak in make out sessions here and there. You were afraid he was going to get tired of you and leave you for someone with easier access.


After taking a wendigo down, Dean and Sam decided to hit a bar for drinks. You on the other hand, couldn't wait to get back to the bunker. Maybe, just maybe, Crowley could step away from work. If he could, you'd try your best to make it worth his while. After parking your car, you dash into the living room of the bunker.


Closing your eyes tight, you whisper, "Crowley? I'd really like to see you. If you can pull away from work. I know it's been hard for us. And as much as I would love to learn some more things from you, I don't want you to think that's all I care about. At the same time, I'm so afraid I'm going to lose you if I keep you waiting any longer." You open your eyes, but Crowley isn't standing in front of you.

Sighing, you turn to head to your bedroom, and bump right into his chest. You scream loudly and back away at the same time you throw a punch, hitting him square in the mouth.

His head jerks back slightly and his lower lip starts bleeding.

"Crowley! I am so sorry! You scared me. Sit down and I'll go get the first aid kit." You start to run past him, but he takes a hold of your arm. When you look up at him, his face is blemish free.

"Now why would I think you're only with me for the wonderful sex, love? You were about to get a first aid kit for the King of Hell."

The corners of your lips turn up. "Don't sneak up on me and you won't get hit, douchecanoe."

"I like to keep you on your toes." He closes the space between the two of you and kisses you.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you deepen the kiss. He tastes like his favorite whiskey. Just like he always does.

"How long are the imbeciles going to be gone?"

"I'm not sure. Solar eclipse tonight though. I could leave them a note telling them I've gone out to get a view of it. And there's no need to wait up for me."

"A wonderful idea."

Unfortunately, you have to break away from him long enough to jot down your message. When you finish, you smile and take a hold of his hands. "Okay. Where to?"

He spins you around quickly and you fall against his chest. "Here," he says, snapping his fingers.

Instantly, you go from the bunker, to the sun setting over the ocean. You turn to look at Crowley, and you see a tiny bungalow behind him. "It's absolutely amazing. Thank you so much."

"Of course. I got this place just for us. I know you're not the mansion type. That, and I wanted to make sure I brought you somewhere that I've never brought anyone else before. Nor will I ever bring anyone else here."

You smile wide and throw your arms around his waist. "Again, thank you. Your place is just that though. Yours. If you'd rather be there, I have no complaints."

"But you think this is absolutely amazing, remember? And your phone has signal here. Now, what would you like to do? We can go for a walk. If you're hungry, we can eat."

"I am kind of hungry. But not for food."

"Wicked. I love it. Come on." He snaps his fingers and the two of you are in the bungalow's bedroom. It's of course done in black and red, but still moderately designed. A small dresser, but a king size bed.

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