Saving Grace Chapter 3

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Both you and Crowley are now lying down in front of a fire. The rug underneath you is thick and soft. There is a blanket covering the two of you, but you trade the pillow your head is resting on for his chest.

"Let me know if you need something to drink. Or if you get hungry."

"Thanks." You sigh as you stare into the fire.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

You don't have it in you to look him in the eyes, so you talk to the fire. "Your love language is gifts, isn't it? I was too busy acting an ass to see that."

He starts running your fingers through your hair. "In all due fairness, I was giving you the wrong kinds of gifts. I should have known you wouldn't be into all those fancy expensive things."

You giggle. "Yea, you should have. Is my head too heavy?"

"And your love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. Always worrying, always doting...And no. Your head is not too heavy."

"Do you regret any of the gifts you've given me?"

"Hey, look at me." He places his thumb and forefinger on your chin and tilts your head back. Making eye contact with you, he asks, "What's bothering you?"

"Your deal. It was important to you or you wouldn't have made it. Then you gave it up for me. And then there's this place. I know you have your mansion, but you brought me here."

"Oh. I see. Well, those three extra inches haven't exactly attracted the proper kind."

You laugh and raise up on one arm and drape the other over his upper body. "I'm proper, huh?"

"When it counts." He raises one eyebrow at you.

"You're so bad."

"And you love it."

"Yes. Yes I do." You smile and lean down to kiss him. When he reciprocates, you slide your hand down to his cock.

He groans and kisses you harder. When he pulls back, he eyes turn red. "I want to take you from behind."

"Show me. Help me make you feel good. The way you make me feel."

In an instant, he's over you with his chest pressed to your back. He helps you get into the perfect position by guiding you with both words and his hands. In the end, Crowley has your head pressed into the rug with your hands by your head. He spreads your legs wider with his knee, causing your ass to go higher.

"So beautiful," he whispers as he slaps your ass before he slides into you.

The angle he enters you at causes you to moan. "You feel amazing."

"So do you, darling. I swear you were made just for me." He grabs your hips and starts thrusting faster.

Your moans grow louder and higher in pitch. "You're so fucking big."

"And your lovely pussy is so tight around my cock."

When his hips surge forward, taking you harder, you meet his thrusts with even greater force.

"That's it. Take me. Take all of me." Another slap. "Fuck yourself on my cock." Slap.

The slight pain only enhances how good he's making you feel. "I want you to come with me."

"Anything for you." Crowley bends at the waist and with his chest pressed to your back, he kisses you between your shoulder blades. One hand snakes around to your clit and starts working you as he continues to fuck you.

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