Villain Bakugou

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-Villain Bakugou
THe biggest villain was out of town for a month or two on a mission of sorts however the heroes didn't know this, Once the villain returned he was gatting blamed for something. He didn't know what, "What did I do?" He asks extreamly confused "YOU CAUSED HALF OF THE CITY TO GET DEMOLISHED!" a hero yells at the clueless villain who's eyes widden at this new informations, he may be a villain but he has limits... depending on the circumstance. The villain looks around confused before spotting the start of the chaos, he walks toward the mess of broken buildings, smoke, and dead people. His stomach acts up at the sight but he has to keep up the tough act infront of the heroes.

But what did happen?

The villains name is Katsuki Bakugou but no one bothered to learn his name, he remains as 'villain'. He was out of the town for a month or two in a different part of the country but no one knew, no surprise there. While he was gone a hero had to take down a small villain but the hero has no control over his power meaning no villain did this damage it was a hero, Katsuki is good at anazlying these sorts of things and instantly notices that a hero did it a he knew which one... the Numer two hero... Endeaver.. no shock there. The hero had used his quirk when he didn't need to and he destroyed several buildings by burning them, which is why the other heroes believe is was Katsuki. "hmm.." Katsuki hums while looking over the damages "I didn't do this" He stands up straight after saying his statement as the heroes stare at him in shock "What do you mean?! It's all burnt it had to be you!" the heroes yelled at him 'idiots' Katsuki thought "I was out of town when this happened, I was gone for over a month you idiots" Katsuki snaps at them "And this damage isn't my quirks doing" He walks to a wall that seems undanaged and he blows it up and there is an obious difference now "Then who was it?!" the heroes are still confused 'pathetic' Katsuki sighs and points to the number two hero "He did, this is the doing of his quirk, meaning he didn't control it while doing whatever he was doing and he killed several innocent civilians." You could see the heroes finally see the difference and realize the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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