chapter 28

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In the end, the man finally confessed all the things he knew. "That's all that I know, I swear so please, I'm begging you, please let them go" he said as he looked at his wife and children, who clearly look exhausted from crying.

"It wouldn't have reach to this if you just confessed earlier" Rindou said and without hesitation, shot the man. His wife and children all screamed in horror.

"Tsk, how annoying. Take care of them" He said to his subordinates who nodded in response and began dragging the three away.

"So now that your done, can we go now? I'm hungry and I want to eat some pizza" Sakayo huffed making Ran chuckle.

"You just saw a man get killed yet all you think about is food? Your really something else sis" he shaked his head a little as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Pfft, I'm only weird because of you guys" she said making Rindou roll his eyes. "Only you two, don't drag me into this" he said and walked away.

"Nope, your in this too!" Sakayo said as she followed after him. "In what way exactly?" He raised a brow at her.

"Who the fuck enjoys torturing and breaking people's bones?" Sakayo asked making Ran snicker. "Shut it!" Rindou snapped at both of them making them laugh.

With that, both Sakayo and Ran kept on teasing Rindou all the way back.

"Annoying idiots" Rindou muttered as he went to his room, leaving Sakayo and Ran laughing at each other.

"I think he isn't leaving his room for a few hours" Sakayo said between her laughter. Ran just shaked his head as he took out his phone.

"Alright, that's enough. I still need to call Mikey and tell him about the information he needed" Ran said making Sakayo nod, although she was still laughing a bit.

"Now, what am I gonna do? Should I do my homework now or later?" Sakayo mumbled to herself as she stared at the ceiling due to sheer boredom.

"Ran don't forget to order some food! I'm hungry! If you forgot I'm gonna ignore you" Sakayo said after a few minutes later.

"Alright, what do you want to eat?" Ran asked as he took out his phone. "I want to eat sushi, I also want to eat pizza and spicy chicken wings. Along with some nuggets and chocolates" Sakayo said making Rindou stare at her.

"I.... I don't even wanna question it" he shaked his head making Ran chuckle. "I always wonder where the heck do all your food go to" Rindou grumbled making sakayo roll her eyes.

"To my stomach of course, where else would it go to?" She huffed as she glared at him. "Call me when the food is here" Sakayo said as she stood up and went to her room.

{.... }

"Sakayo! Food's here" Ran said from downstairs. "Coming!" Sakayo yelled loud enough for him to hear.

She then quickly closed her book and went down stairs, only to find that her brothers were already eating. And that takeomi was there to.

"Hey! That's not fair. You two already started eating without me" Sakayo huffed as she sat down on the couch after greeting Takeomi.

"Not our fault you were slow" Rindou smirked as he took a bite of the pizza in his hand. "Ran just called me not long ago! It hasn't even been a minute yet!" Sakayo throwed her hands up as she glared at Rindou.

With another huff, she took a slice of pizza and began eating. Occasionally listening to what Ran and Takeomi were discussing.

But as she continued to listen to them she almost chocked on what she was eating and glared at Ran.

"Hello, I'm right over here. So don't go discussing your plans that involves me" Sakayo said as she crossed her arms.

"Sorry bout that sis, so do you agree?" Ran asked making sakayo sigh. "Fine, it's not like I have a choice" she grumbled making Ran chuckle.

"Don't worry, I'll keep our deal last time. I'll add more to it if you want" Ran said making her groan. "Fine, just because I want to stay up late and because of the snacks" she grumbled.

"Well alright then, your going shopping with Takeomi tomorrow after school" Ran said before sakayo can say something else.

Sakayo just looked at Takeomi who was pinching the bridge of his nose, as if questioning his own decision. Sakayo just let out a quite laugh at this as she continued to eat.


Sorry for the delayed update! Hoped you guys enjoyed it and leave a vote and comment if you did.

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