Chapter 3

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"Where are our tour guides?" I ask Nina.

"Not sure, how about we just stand here and wait for them to spot us? ...if you think about it, it's easier for them to find us because we're unfamiliar faces in comparison to us because everyone is new." she replies.

"That's a smart idea!"... five minutes later we are approached by short plump dark-skinned girl with a curly afro. And she comes with an entourage or most likely future classmates. 

"Hi, I'm Zinhle a 2nd year and your tour guide for the day."

"Luna" "Nina" we both say at the same time. Zinhle looks amused, and so does the rest of the entourage. After more introductions and exchanging of pleasantries I can finally put a name to the face. Though I most probably will forget half of them since they are 13 people. Zinhle leads us to the dining hall which has a bright red huge banner written 'welcome 1st years!' in cursive.

Streamers and ballons are hanging from the ceiling, don't ask me how and the floor is littered with confetti. Rounded tables are everywhere all with 16 chairs on average. Silver cutlery lies on the table with a bottle of fruit juice in the center. A tiny card lies besides each plate. We settle down while Zinhle explains that there are only two additional rules 1) lectures will start at 8am but if the lecturer doesn't pitch in 15 minutes we may be excused, and I quote 'flunk'.
Rule number 2) Remember rule number 1. 

Hilarious, isn't she? Food has been bought for everyone which is just a chicken mayo sandwich and muffin. We already have the drinks, and everybody seems chatty. Zinhle explains the strategy on what happens after refreshments. A tour and addressing of questions and concerns then we go our separate ways. To keep us busy the second years devised an ice breaking game. All instructions on the tiny card beside the plate.

The game was just a bunch of non-invasive random questions to find common ground with our classmates. So, I found out only 6 of us are fresh outta high school, size 5 is a common shoe size among the group and not everyone is from Free State or South Africa. We even have a few comedians too! I got a lot of nominees for class clowns haha.

Thank God the tour is almost over, my feet are hurting and I'm leaning on Nina. After exploration to find the library, laboratory, lecture and residential buildings I have had enough. "Now straight ahead lies the great outdoors which serve not only as a form of torturous exercise when you're late for a lecture but a place of tranquility for everyone. Now if you look to your left, you'll miss everything that's happening on your right." Zinhle says while we boom with laughter. She asks whether we have any questions, and everybody goes silent.

"Well, in the absence of questions I bid you farewell, hope you find your way around campus and to your respective homes, see you when you see me, I guess" Zinhle concludes. We say our goodbyes and thank her for the tour. Nina and I walk away to the great outdoors (it's a mini park) were we converse some more and exchange numbers.

Turns out Nina is a natural ginger/redhead, her last name is Steyn, and she was born and raised in Gauteng. She has identical twin sisters that are at home, she did mention how hard it was leaving them. I, however, am born and raised in Free State, only have one brother and got an extremely curly beautiful afro due to my crazy genes because I'm of mixed race.

We went our separate ways afterwards and it was such a crazy day. 

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