Let the blood begin

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They're shopping at the Kyson's cool outfits. Until Diana and Kyson are watching them.
Matt:"Hey who's that in the back? Kyson? Diana?"
Matt:"What are you two doing here?" The two animatronics are turning evil and their eyes are turning red.
Tammy:"Oh my gosh!" Diana dog hurts Matt but Tammy kicks her.
Matt:"Let's leave!!!"
Tammy:Come on now!!!" They're trying to run away together but Kyson komodo dragon grabs Matt.
Kyson komodo dragon:"You're not going anywhere Matt!"
Diana dog:"You'll be our supper!" Kyson komodo dragon and Diana dog are eating Matt in front of Tammy. The blood is splashing everywhere. Tammy was completely terrified.
Tammy:"Noooooooo!!!!! Matt!!!"
Matt:(Screaming) "Tammy run for your life!!!"
Diana dog :"Come here!!!"
Tammy:"Get away from me!!! She pushed Diana dog out of her way and she's about to run away.
Tammy:"Oh almost forgot to pay! She's bringing out her wallet and paid for the outfits. She's finally running away from them and locked the door.

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