sick Day

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( disclaimer! This picture is not mine. I also don't own any of the pjo/Hoo characters)


It was a normal at Camp half-blood. Well as normal as it can be. When you have a bunch of hyper active kids ,and teens running around with swords and knifes.

Jason was in the training arena with piper. They both have been training for a couple of hours. Now there just sitting on a bench resting. Then out of the shadows of the training arena came Percy.

Percy slowly walks/shuffles his way towards Jason. When Jason saw his boyfriend. He looked worried. Percy looked like he haven't slept in a week. His hair was more un-kept then normal. He had dark eye bags under his eyes and he looked more pale then nico


When I saw my baby blue. I knew something was wrong. I quickly got up and made my way to him. Once I was in front of him. I can see just how bad he looked. "Baby! What's wrong you look half dead!"

I said in a worried tone as I put my hand on his forehead. I quickly pulled my hand back. A worried look eched on my face. "Percy hunny! You're burning up!" "You need to go lay down".

He only groaned in response as leaned his head on my chest. I sighed softly and gently shook my head. "Come on seaweed brain. Off to bed with you." I then reached down and carefully pick him up in my arms. Then i start to make my way to his cabin.

Percy thoughts.

"Oh man my head feels like I just got hit with a brick. I'm so cold!!! Thank the gods Jason is nice and warm. Like a big blanket. What were is he even taking me. Oh well as long as I get to snuggle with my superman."

Third person

Jason carefully cared Percy across the camp towards his cabin. As he was walk towards Percy cabin. He caught the eye of a certain hades child. Nico ran up to Jason. Once he was next to him. He gave Jason a questioning look. "Why are you caring Percy to his cabin"? He asked in a confused tone.

"Because he is sick. I think he is running a fever. So I'm going to make his lay down". Jason explained in a semi calm tone. But there was a slight worry in his voice.

"Sick! Oh gods! That not good. Well you go lay him down and I will go get will!"
With that said Nico took off running towards the Infirmary.

Once Jason got to Percy cabin he opened  the door and walked in. The then walked to Percy's bed and gently sat him down. But Percy didn't want to let go. He whined and groaned as he held onto Jason like a toddler.


Percy was not letting go. He kept mumbling about not wanting to lose his warm blanket. I think that's his fever talking. But since he won't let go I ended up sitting on his bed with him. About ten minutes pass ,but then I heard some loud knocking on the cabin door.

Percy whined in Annoyance and his face in my chest. I chuckle softly and run my hand through his hair. Then the cabin door opened revealing Nico and will.

Third person

Nico and will quickly entered the cabin. Then the closed the door behind them. Nico made a beeline to to the bed and Sat next to Jason resting his head on his shoulder. Will came over to were the three were sitting.

Then he gently shook Percy's shoulder. He need Percy to move his head away form Jason. But he was not having any of that. He groaned and swatted wills hand away.

He kept trying but Percy refused to move. Will eventually gave up and moved away. He looked to nico and said. "There's only one person he probably will listen to now. I go use the emergency phone and see if I can get them to come.

Nico gave him a head nod and then started to rub circles on Percy back. Will gave a small smile and quietly let the cabin.

Percy was whining softly and shivering. Nico and Jason kept comforting hum. But whimpering soft words of rubbing his back.

Not even thirty minutes later. The cabin door suddenly burned open and standing there in all her glory was her. Sally Jackson. This women was pretty much everyone replacement mum

Her dark brown hair was tied up in a messy bun. She cared a duffle bag under her arm. Her eyes scanned the cabin tell they layed on Percy, Jason,and nico.

"Oh my poor baby! It's ok mom is here now sally said!" She then quickly walked over and started to take care of Percy.

Word count 816

Well i hope this stories was good.

Have a good night or day


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