The thoughts

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( quick announcement.)

*hey everyone. I know it's been a whole year since I last updated and I'm so sorry. It's just honestly a lot has been happening and I've been doing different stuff.

But I hope to change that and post more on this and make new reading all together. Also sorry of my writing style isn't as good as it was in the beginning. But I still hope you enjoy the story.*

Percy's pov

  I was just enjoying a walk around camp taking in the very rare peaceful day. But there was something on my mind. Nico and Jason have been acting weird for the whole week. I figured it was nothing and tried to forget about it. But there was just thus small nagging feeling in my head

  But i figured I was just over thinking it. I didn't want to come off think I didn't trust them. I know they wouldn't be doing anything bad or hide something form me.

  But they have been acting very weird. Well more weirer then usual. When I try going to one of there cabins to hang out. They would make something up like "oh sorry percy not today. But maybe another time". Now this isn't really a big deal. But! They have been doing that the whole week!

  Then again that shouldn't really be a big deal. Just cause we're dating doesn't mean we need to hang out all the time. Nico or Jason can have there own time by themselves. But they aren't by themselves. When ever I try to hang with them and the dismiss me. Later I would see them both in usual Nicis cabin.

    But if they were hang out. Them why can't I hang with them. But I just shrug my shoulder and let it be. Maybe they  want some RNR time. I don't know honestly. But as the week went by I started to feel almost like they are Purposely avoiding me.

   I quickly shake these nagging thoughts out of my head and continued my walk. Either by  Coincidence or not. I found my way to the side of the lake in camp. I walked onto the small peer and sat down dipping my feet into the water.

  I quietly relaxed as I kicked Slightly with my feet. I even start to Sway Slightly and hum as I closed my wye enjoying the quite. But that peaceful quite was short lived. I should have know. That a truly quite and peaceful time at camp never truly last.

  My quite was intruded by piper and Annabeth talking to each other as they walked. I don't think they noticed me. I was fully planning on tuning them out. Until I heard one of them say my name.

  I paused for a moment and listened. Look I know listening to other people conversations is wrong. But I want to know why one of them said my name. So I angled myself  Slighly in their direction so I can listen better.

"Yeah I can't believe he hasn't figured it out yet. It's honestly surprising that he hasn't found out". Piper said to Annabeth as they walked. Then Annabeth replied back

"I know. But do you really think they are going about this the right way. I mean if percy found out he might be upset with them. Especially since they have been ignoring him pretty much the whole week."

  When i heard this my heart sank to the depths of the lake. I know they where talking about Jason and Nico. Since I also see them going in and out of Nico's cabin sometime this week.

  I have been think for time to time about their behavior and it the more I thought about it. The more I just hoped it wasn't true. But after hearing Annabeth and paper's conversation.

  My worst thoughts came to light. I quickly stood up and ran off the peer. Annabeth and piper saw me run off and tried calling after me. But I ignored them and kept running towards Nico's cabin. I kept  silently hoping what I that was happening wasn't true.

  I quickly made it to Nico's cabin Annabeth and piper where hot on my trail. Without even knocking I threw open the Door and quickly went inside slamming the door but then I  paused.

  The cabin was completely dark and stark quite. I felt around the walk tell I felt the lights switch and I flipped it on. Once the lights can on suddenly their were the sound of 8 people in unions shouting


  I stumbled back hitting the walk in shock and surprise. There stood the seven minus Annabeth and piper since they where still outside. But besides that the rest were hear. Then there was Nico ,Ryana and my mum.

  I looked at them totally comfused. But then i looked up to see a banned with the words


  Written in big blue letter. I couldnt belive it. Then both Jason and Nico came up to me wearing corny party hats.

  "Happy early birthday baby!" Jasin said happily sling a arm around my shoulder. Then Nico gave me a big hug. "Also happy one year anniversary." Nico said as he hugged me. But i just remain stiff and didnt say a word

  I couldnt belive i was so caught up in what was going on with my boyfriends. That i forgot my birthday was in two weeks and it was our one year anniversary.

  I tried to say something. But before I knew it tears started to stream down my eyes and I just hoped them both tightly. They both seem confused.

  "Hunny why you crying?" Jason asked me softly. But I didn't respond and just continued to hug them both. I was crying cause I was so relieved that what I thought wasn't ture. But also just cause of this whole emotional roller-coaster of a week.

  They both just hugged me back silently and gently rubbed my back as I cried


word count 1013

So,what do you guys thunk of this story?

I hope you enjoyed and if I miss spelled something of used the in proper grammar. Please politely let me know. Besides that I hope you all have a good night/day


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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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